Monday, November 24, 2008

Our list

We did some brainstorming this weekend and came up with a list of six things (two for each of us) that we would like to do to help other people out this holiday season. I debated a bit about whether or not I should post the specifics. I don't want it to appear insincere because we are writing all about it. The reason I decided to write about this in detail is because it makes me happy to think that others might decide to do similar things with their families to show their giving spirits. I am also excited to document some of the fun things we have planned. Here is our list:

- We put together two Operation Christmas Child boxes for children in desperate situations around the world. We put together one Girl box and one Boy box. I just realized this morning that today is the deadline for this, so we scrambled this evening to get them put together and dropped off at an OCC location. It was a lot of fun! We will definitely do this every year.

- I am going to recruit some friends/family members in the Cities to help me make homemade snacks/cookies to donate to Minneapolis Children's Hospital. These treats will be given out to parents/families of children who are staying in the hospital. Having spent time there ourselves, we know what a huge help it is to receive goodies from people, and I can especially imagine how nice it would be to receive something like this around Christmas time. I would love to just bombard that place with Christmas treats so everyone is well cared for in that regard during the holiday season. If you are in the area and you are interested in helping with this, please let me know!

- We donated a frozen turkey to a holiday food drive last weekend.

- We want to put some toiletries, snacks and essentials into a couple big stockings and drop them off at a homeless shelter.

- We know of a family in need of assistance right now. I have mentioned Ellie on this website before. She is my good friend Cara's niece. Ellie was diagnosed with a very aggressive form of brain cancer in April 2008. Her tumor has grown and she is really fighting for her life right now. Her family is dealing with some very difficult times, and among other things, they have many medical bills that have piled up in an attempt to lengthen Ellie's time here on Earth. We would like to help them out in some way. I'm not sure how we'll do that yet, but I am thinking we might give them a nice big gift card for groceries.

- This last "deed" is our fun, "gamble" item. Dan and I are both risk takers after all! We want to approach someone in public, after we have stalked them a bit :), and hand them a note that will be attached to a large bill ($50?). The note will have a Bible verse on it and it will also encourage them to do something good with the money, so the giving will continue, and hopefully multiply. This reminds me of the movie Pay It Forward, but I didn't realize that until just now as I typed this out. We obviously run the risk of putting money into the wrong hands, but it is a risk I am willing to take. I think that this has the potential to create some generous deeds. And if the person we give the money to NEEDS the money, then good has been done!

It feels so good to give. As I said before, I would love to instill this in Elijah and I hope he grows up knowing how important it is. If any of you have other fun, giving ideas, please share them!

p.s. The prayers have worked for Elijah's cold symptoms. He was at daycare all day today and did great. No snotty nose, just a little bit of a cough, no sneezing. Just to be safe, I am taking him in to see his pediatrician in the morning for a pre-op physical to be sure he is ready for Wednesday's cath. I have a really good feeling that Wednesday is the day! It will feel so good to get this behind us. Thanks for the prayers. Keep them coming!


Tina:0) said...

How wonderful! I just love your spirit of giving & what a great thing to instill in our children! I think that things like this make Christmas more meaningful!

Yay for Elija & no more cold symptoms! Still praying for Wednesday! Give him big hugs from us!

mina said...

What wonderful, selfless things to do! Best wishes with all your endeavors and extra positive vibes for Wednesday. Keep us posted!

Unknown said...

That is so great I am glad he is feeling better and was able to go back to daycare. And I really admire you on all of the things you are doing to help the needy God Bless you. It will put lots of smiles on everyones faces and that is what it is all about.

Samantha said...

I love your are amazing!!! I wish I could do more...but at least I have done some so far...I bought gifts for two angels for Noah's school and Thursday is the bringing food to the hospital day...of course, I do that again on I have to come up with some more great ideas like you guys!!! We have to do TEN things since there are 5 of us!!!

I am so happy that Elijah is doing well...I know you are scared, nervous and all, but he will do great...I just know it. I will be praying really hard tonight and tomorrow...PLEASE keep us posted throughout the day on how he is doing and what they find out.

Much love!!!!

Anonymous said...

Megan, that is just awesome! Elijah is so lucky to have you guys as his parents. Look at the great values you're instilling in him already! Love your take on the money to the random person. The way you talked about it is the epitomy of "giving freely". I so believe in that. Once something leaves your hands, you can't worry about what was done with it because it is up to the receiver.

Hope you guys have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Give that little man an extra squeeze from us!

Love ya!


Anonymous said...

Your list is awesome. Thank you so much for sharing because it has definitely given me ideas on how to give, and be a better person. You really are such a generous and inspiring person, Megan. I'm praying for Elijah tonight!

Ehlan said...

You guys are awesome and inspiring. Thanks for your generosity you bestow onto others!