Monday, December 6, 2010

Week o' busy-ness

Dan celebrated a birthday this past weekend. No, he didn't turn 311 years old. Just 32. We spent a lazy day at home and then my friend Jess offered to watch the boys so we could venture out for an adult-only dinner. Aaahhhh, so nice. Thank you, Jess.

I saw the above scene in our manger over the weekend. I asked Elijah what the chicken was doing in the manger. "Singing to Jesus!" Ohhhh! Of course! In that case, I think I'll let him stay.

You just have to check out the delicious cupcakes I made this past weekend. The frosting I made for these is one of the best frostings I have ever tasted. De-WISH-us, as Elijah says. Supremely de-wish-us.

This week is a super busy week for me at work. I'm already having the feeling like someone is pulling me underwater by my ankles. Will somebody please do my Christmas shopping? And clean my house? And then maybe find me an outfit for the holiday party on Friday night? Thanks!!


Unknown said...

Happy Late Birthday Dan, Sounds like you two enjoyed your selfs so glad you two could get out by yourselves and have fun.

I printed the recipe and I plan on making the cupcakes they sound so YUMMY!!

Cecilia said...

Belated Happy Birthday Wishes to Dan!

I will print the recipe and try to make some of those supremely de-wish-us cupcakes!!!