Sunday, February 17, 2013

Croup: Season 3, Round 1 (Samson)

Sammy has been sick for the past few days. I think he caught my flu bug. He has had a low-grade fever and a croupy cough. Last night after I got home from shooting a wedding, he woke up with severe stridor which is always scary. Dan and I stayed up with him for a few hours, taking him out into the cold and giving him medicine and letting him watch tv to help calm him down. (Now that we have new insurance, the ER is very much a last resort.)

By 1:00 am he was still croupy (but better), so we put him into bed with us which ensured NO SLEEP for any of us except Elijah who was soundly sleeping in his own bed. The three of us were exhausted this morning and Sammy was still croupy and sick. Despite our efforts to keep him resting today, he still sounded croupy at the end of the day. We gave him a preventative neb tonight and some oral steroids and hopefully we can avoid another night like last night.

Cool Sammy.. :)

The other day, Elijah said, "Look, Mom! I'm taking care of Sammy!" E has been showing signs lately of caring for his family members. It's nice to see.

Our little thumb sucker.

For once, Elijah has been the only spunky, rested, healthy person in our house lately. I finished off a full week of the flu only to get a horrible ear infection. Hopefully health for all of us is in our future!

Our Valentine's meal, courtesy my wonderful husband.. :)

Elijah turns six years old on Wednesday of this week! I can't believe it! I get to go on a field trip with his class on Tuesday (snow-shoeing...this should be interesting) and we have a day "off" tomorrow. Now that my cookbook is done, I have much more free time which is a bit strange. I need another project!

Thanks for checking in! Dan and I are off to watch Walking Dead. :) More later this week, once we have a six-year-old in the house.


jencooper said...

Happy birthday Elijah!!

I hope everyone is on the mend. Grace lost her lunch right as we were walking out the door this morning and now I feel queasy...ugh. We need to sickie bugs to take a vacation!!

Have a great field trip!

Cecilia said...

Hope everyone gets better soon.

Wow, what a treat ... steak and crab legs ... scrumptious!