Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Pim-pintz!

Merry Christmas (or, "Merry pim-pintz," as Sammy says)! We enjoyed a busy evening with Dan's side of the family last night for Christmas Eve. The boys thoroughly enjoyed their time with their cousins. We got home late and we (er, the boys) woke up way too early.

Santa had filled their stockings, and they were excited about that. They both received more presents than I am sure they had ever imagined was possible.

Dan and I spent the day playing referee. "Don't touch MY TOY!" "NO, that's MINE!" Ughhh.. neither of us has had any experience with such sibling rivalry, so we didn't quite know how to handle this sort of thing. We did our best.

I have a plan for tomorrow for E and me. I think Sammy is too young to comprehend it, so for now, for this year, it will be an Elijah-Mommy mission.

I love this photo. It's not how it looks at all! Elijah was just trying to give Sammy a hug. :)

A cute pic of Elijah, Sammy and all of their cousins on Dan's side of the family. Aren't they all so cute?

Bed-head Elijah! He was so excited to open presents this morning. I've never seen such a determined present-opening look on his face. :)

My brother and his sweet girlfriend sent Sammy this toy bbq grill. Both boys LOVED IT. Many fights occurred over this thing. "GIVE ME BACK MY MUSTARD!" "DON'T TOUCH MY HOT DOG BUNS!" :)

Dan's mom gave Sammy this stuffed frog and he loved it to pieces. He literally had it wrapped around his neck for the entire day.

Both boys also loved their new doctor's kits. Elijah sure knows just what to say to ease his patients' pain and anxiety. He must have heard those words himself a thousand times before!

We wish you all a very Merry Christmas today!

Thanks for checking in!

(here is a photo of one of my favorite gifts this year....thank you, Hubby!)

1 comment:

Cecilia said...

Merry Christmas to all of you xoxo