Thursday, February 28, 2008


Sun is so wonderful! Even though everyone around here thinks it's "soooo cold," we are in heaven! It's not quite beach weather, though, but it should be by Saturday. Tonight after my conference, I got on the #4 shuttle that said, "To the Holiday Inn," not knowing there were two Holiday Inns and that this particular shuttle would be bringing me to the WRONG ONE. Don't you think this would be a good thing to tell people? That there are two Holiday Inns? And a different shuttle for each? I was so upset! I called Dan practically in tears once I figured it out. I got back to the convention center (where the conference was held) an hour and a half after I had gotten on the shuttle in the first place! I refused to get on another one so I started walking the 25 blocks back to the hotel. I walked through some shady neiborhoods and got whistled at a few times (gross! who does that?). Dan had gotten our car from valet (it takes forever!) and picked me up ten blocks into my walk. Ug. So now I'm sitting here listening to Elijah cry himself to sleep. Everything just feels "off" right now. Hopefully we can get some good sleep and start tomorrow with some good energy.

My sweetie pie sleeping in my arms at the airport

What is this bright thing that's shining light on my face?

What we will be visiting soon!

Aaaawww, happy boy


Kathy said...

oh...I LOVE The pictures....thanks for thinking about us ( with NO LIVES...we're living vicariously through you at the moment!)
Look at you looking so pretty at the airport...that's why you got all the whistles!
Eli is HUGE...especially when you see him in your arms...he'll be able to hold you soon!
I hope you have a SUPER week and get to the beach this weekend! (just rent a wet suit and jump in!!!)
Lots of love,

Samantha said...

It looks beautiful there.

Your shuttle story is too would think that they could have told you that, and at the least...had the other shuttle at least send you to the right hotel. Sorry that you had a bad evening, but after a good nights sleep, you will be all better and Saturday...THE BEACH!!! I can't wait to hear all about it!

Have a great day tomorrow...just think, you can't be too upset with all that beautiful sunshine!


jencooper said...

Sorry I haven't commented!! I have been away from the computer in the evening. The beach looks beautiful! I am glad that you are getting some good family time right now. Eli looks like such a cutie - as usual. Have a great time and enjoy the sun!!


Sarah said...

Hope that you all got a good nights rest and that today is much more fun in the sun. Don't you take anymore chances like walking through shady neighborhoods girl!

Unknown said...

That shuttle experience would have me so irritated too. I'm glad your boys picked you up. I love the pictures from the trip. Hope you guys enoy the rest of your trip.

Anonymous said...

We are so jealous! Enjoy your time in the sun...let it all sink in. We can't wait to see you all soon. Grant's still in Europe, so this is from just me and the babe---with love.

Ann(ie) said...

ug. nice. YEAH, they could alert you that there are 2 Holiday Inns. I would have been beyond annoyed.

BUT, I must say that those top two pictures are about the cutest shots ever. Get some sunshine therapy in for moi, please!!! xo.