Sunday, September 7, 2008

Balloon love

I can't believe the weekend is almost over! It went so fast. As always, I tried to absorb every second with my baby boy and enjoy him to the fullest. We drove out to the dropzone yesterday afternoon and spent the night out there with Dan. I didn't get a jump in, booooo, but we did have a nice night. I love getting out of the city one night a week. I will be sad when the season is over and we won't be able to do that anymore for a while.

Today's skydives ended up being called off because of weather, so Dan got to spend the afternoon at home with us. It was so nice to have him here. We had a nice day relaxing, napping and spending some quality time together.

He is laying on a balloon we got weeks ago, that has lost almost all of its air. He loves this. He will scoot across the entire living room to get to it and then he will just rest his head on it and snuggle. I'm hoping it doesn't pop.

He has started scooting over to his rocking horse and examining it thoroughly. We aren't supposed to put him on it for another week and a half (no straddling post-surgery) so for now he is just checking it out.

The end of the weekend treat tonight was watching an episode of Veggie Tales while he snuggled with Mama.

A couple other cute things from the weekend:

I noticed that any time he has access to his bare belly, he puts his finger on his belly button and holds it there. Like if he lets go, the world will explode.

I have been trying to get into the habit of praying with Elijah before bed every night. I sit with him in his rocking chair in his bedroom before bed and we have some quiet time. I fold my hands and say a little prayer. Yesterday when I put him down for his nap, we sat in the chair like usual and I wasn't praying since it wasn't bedtime. He reached around and grabbed both of my hands and put them together. So we said a naptime prayer. He loves it when I do this. Through the whole prayer, he smiles.

Before we put him to bed tonight, Dan and I said to each other, "What a good baby we have!" We feel so lucky. What a special little boy. I feel so blessed to be his mommy.

Have a great week, everyone! We are praying for a good cardiology visit on Thursday and for lots of work for Dan! Take care, thanks for checking in.


ThePicks said...

These pictures are precious!!! Good luck at the cardio appt this week!

The RA

jencooper said...

What an adorable little man!! I was needing a new fix. I am so happy that you had such an incredible weekend. I hope that you have a terrific week!!


Ann(ie) said...

The weekend just flew, didn't it?!!! :( As usual, adorable pictures of your boy boy. I love that he cuddles...I can hardly get Ben to sit still for two seconds. Good luck at the appt. xo.

Tina:0) said...

Okay, our kiddos have too many similarities!
1.) balloons - both my girls love balloons & get one every time we go to my Mom's shop (she & her sisters own a florist/ deco business).
2.) praying - we haven't mastered the bedtime prayers, but Vaeh will fold her hands & nearly come out of her seat when we say its time to pray before meals! Sooo darn cute!
3.) belly buttons - Vaeh has played with her's for quite some time. Up until recently, though, it was the 'artificial' belly button she played with... now she's discovered her God-given one!
And finally...
4.) cardiology visit - Vaeh has her 'date' with Dr. Butto on Monday morning. I'm kinda anxious with the O2 & feeding things.

Give that little man some BIG smooches for me! Have a great week!

Kathy said...

THanks for making my night...
I JUST LOVE seeing the pics of Elijah! His smile is contagious!
We'll pray that the balloon doesn't pop, that the card visit goes well, that Dan stays busy with work, and YOU get to love on your men as much as possible!!!
take care,

Ehlan said...

Love the pic of the veggie tales snuggles! Your praying story is adorable--I'm posting about Olivia and prayers today too! :)

Anonymous said...

The snuggle picture is just sooo sweet. Even though we can's see your face, I just know it has the nicest smile on it!

Jacob loves to say his prayers before bed. We do the same exact thing every night and I say "prayer hands" at the beginning so he folds his hands. Since he's so used to the repetition he gets so proud of himself for "getting it" now. These boys are just so sweet!

Saying lots of prayers for the card appt on Thursday. Ours is on Wednesday!

Love ya!


Unknown said...

He is such so adorable! You are such a good mommy.

The nap time prayer is just as good as the bedtime prayer. :) I have been talking about doing the prayers at night but we don't have a bedtime routine (since we have no schedule) so I forget. I think I'll try working on that this week.

As always, Elijah just melts my heart. Give him so love for me.

Unknown said...

Balloon Love...that's hilarious! I always find it so intriguing how entertained children can be with balloons. As an adult, I don't get it. But, as a child, I loved it!

So glad you had a wonderful weekend with your boy. It's awesome that you're getting Elijah in the habit of praying. My first one doesn't quite get it, yet. Whenever we start praying, he tells me to "Wake up! It's not time to sleep!" And, whenever I ask him what he prayed for, his answer is always, "Toys!"

Anyway, here's to an uneventful cardiology appt, and for Dan to have A LOT of work! You're all always in my prayers.


Unknown said...

oh Elijah is so sweet I just love the picture of him lying on the balloon.
I am so glad you had a nice weekend.
Lots of hugs Karen