Wednesday, April 6, 2011

At least the weather is improving!

Oh, Sam-Jam, I love you and your fearless, adventurous spirit.

Our week has been an emotional, yucky one so far. A friend of ours had a stroke and is unresponsive in the ICU. I've had a few near-breakdowns and have experienced some physical symptoms that I'm hoping are related to stress/anxiety/worry surrounding Elijah's upcoming surgery. I was so glad to wake up to a new day today!

I'm so thankful for my cuties, who make me laugh and smile all the time.

Sam tried to eat a leaf the other day, which caused a mild choking/gagging session. There is nothing he will not put into his mouth.

Elijah's new favorite breakfast (feckis) is "Fwosting Fwakes," aka Frosted Flakes.

Sam is a strawberry FIEND. Of course, he is an everything fiend. But, holy cow, can he pack the strawberries into his belly!

Elijah is back in school this week, after a week of spring break, which means lots of pretend bus rides and class time. "MOM! Sit at circle time!" "MOM! Come wide the bus to school! Hop in!"

Please pray with us for our friend Neal, and for a better week. I hope all YOUR weeks are great!


Kathy said...

I LOVE you guys!

So sorry about your friend...we will remember him in our prayers tonight.

I love fwosted fwakes too!

Cecilia said...

So sorry about your friend, life is so unexpected that we should make the most of everyday.

Love all the photos of your cutie pies!!!