Thursday, April 7, 2011

Balancing silliness and sadness

Our friend Neal was called to heaven yesterday. I'm so sad I'll never see him again in this life, but I'm so happy he is in a better place. The BEST place! We love you, Neal!! Thank you for being such a genuine, kind friend to us!

A couple Elijah funnies from last night:

If Dan isn't home when I'm putting Sammy to bed, I have a pretty hard time keeping Elijah out of the room while I'm getting him down. Last night I had a gentle talk with him: "Elijah, I will be back out in two minutes. Please play in your bedroom while I put Sam to bed so he can get to sleep." "Ok, Mom." Just as I was kissing a sleepy Sam good night, Elijah opened the door and in a (very) loud whisper said, "Mom! Mine underpants is wet!" I couldn't even get mad. It was too cute.

Then later, he was crying over something or another, most likely about being asked to go sit on the potty chair. A few minutes after he was done crying, he said, "Wook, Mom! I have cry on my shirt!" At first I didn't know what he was talking about, but realized he meant his tears had dripped onto his shirt.


mina said...

Sorry to hear about your friend.

Elijah is too cute!

Cecilia said...

Sorry to hear about Neal.

Elijah is so funny!!!