Tuesday, July 22, 2014


One of the many reasons I love having this blog is that YOU (yeah, you!) chime in with helpful information. THANK YOU to the person who left the comment about the Incredible 5-Point Scale (this looks like it could be a very valuable tool for us!) and also to Heidi for the info about the potty monitor, the Malem Bedwetting Alarm (totally trying this during the day with E). We are so open to suggestions and advice, so we appreciate input! Thank you!

I read some valuable information in my NLD book today. I just have to share some of this, as it rings so true with Elijah. The below excerpts come from Helping a Child with Nonverbal Leraning Disorder or Asperger's Disorder: A Parent's Guide by Kathryn Steward, PhD. Sorry if this bores you, but so much of it NAILS Elijah's struggles, so I find it fascinating.

Mentally, Elijah often seems to be moving in slow motion, especially in fast-paced and chaotic environments. He gets the glassy-eyed look that lets me know he has had too much and is having a hard time processing the world around him. This is usually followed by: behavior. He also has ALWAYS focused on very specific details...the wrong details of any given scenario. He has done this since he first learned to speak. Whether it's a real-life situation or a book we are reading, he asks questions that are irrelevant to the big picture. As an example, if we drive by a bad car accident, he will say, "Who made that car crash? Was it a bad guy? What is his name? Where does he live? Does he have kids?" Instead of being concerned for the people involved and the emotional aspect of what has happened, he becomes obsessed with unimportant details and that prevents him from understanding the big-picture concept.

Dan and I continue to do what we can to understand how Elijah operates. I hope we will always be the best advocates for him in school and in social situations and eventually when he has to live life on his own (gulp). I have had moments this summer where I have literally wanted to put him in a giant structured bubble of total predictability and safety. In my gut I know that ultimately this is not good for him. Yes, it is good to provide as much structure and support as we can but pushing his limits will be good for him in the long run, as it will teach him to be flexible.

I really just needed to vent a bit tonight, so thanks for listening! :) Tomorrow (another big gulp) I will be 39 years old. Why is this so hard for me to swallow? I feel like middle-age is about to swallow ME. Have a great rest of your week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Another suggestion for reading material..."Causes and Cures in the Classroom" by Margaret Searle. It is written more toward teachers (and is not about NLD specifically), but has lots of valuable information about executive functioning and strategies that may help!