Sunday, March 4, 2007

Still here...

We are still at the hospital, probably reeking from wearing the same clothes. I was finally able to find some shampoo yesterday, which is good because the hand soap I was using to wash my hair wasn't getting it very clean. We're pretty sick of hospital life, but I just cannot leave our baby here. We thought about going home one day last week to re-coop but ended up not doing it. This will be our 13th night in the hospital, and I PRAY that it is our last. We've had a few people indicate that we may be able to go home tomorrow, but we aren't holding our breath since we were also told we may have gotten to go home this weekend and we're still here.

Elijah now weighs 5 lb, 2 oz, so he's on his way to growing to be a chubby babe. It's going to be a bit terrifying being home with monitors, no nurses, no doctors...but soooooo great, too! We're anxious to introduce him to his home. We do have to bring a feeding tube home for feedings (an NG tube that goes through his nose and down to his belly), but he has been doing really well with bottle feedings so we're hoping he won't need the feeding tube for much longer. It will be nice not having a zillion wires attached to his little body anymore.

We've had lots of wonderful meals sent to us and visitors and calls and emails and we are so thankful for all of that support. You all have been wonderful and we love you!

Megan, Dan and Eli


Anonymous said...

Megan always remember that you are always one day closer to going home. I pray that you continue to lean on the Lord.


Sam Hamilton said...

Megs and Dan! I'm so happy for you guys! He's got to be my favorite nephew of all-time. Miss ya guys and hope I get to see ya soon.