Hey everyone, it's Elijah here. This is the first time I've written on my own blog! For those of you who would like to know me a bit better, I've made a fun list of 100 things all about ME! Enjoy! My daddy is wonderful! Grunt, grunt......squeak......Aboo!!!!!
1. I’m 7 1/2 months old.
2. I weigh 17.5 lbs.
3. I love peas and sweet potatoes.
4. I love all food, but those are my two favorites.
5. I can eat two jars of food and four bottles a day!
6. I love to eat.
7. I’m chubby.
8. Mommy tells me that’s a good thing.
9. It means I’m healthy.
10. My thighs are especially chunky and round.
11. I have a chubby neck, too.
12. I like to blow spit bubbles.
13. I started making kissy lips this week.
14. It makes me look like a fish.
15. Mommy and Daddy laugh hard when I do it.
16. I’m not sure what color my eyes are.
17. They are grey, blue and brown all at once.
18. I have to wear a helmet.
19. It makes my head sweaty and red.
20. Mommy and Daddy are thinking about throwing it away.
21. I’ve been practicing rolling over.
22. I’ve done it a few times all on my own.
23. I don’t like being on my tummy.
24. Tummy time is hard work!
25. I smile a lot.
26. My giggles are so cute.
27. I poop a lot!
28. The other day, Mommy and Daddy changed 5 poopy diapers!
29. When I poop, I grunt. Loud!
30. It makes Mommy and Daddy giggle.
31. I just started liking baths.
32. I splash my arms and legs in the water and giggle and squeal.
33. Mom and Dad have to wash my hair every night because it gets so dirty from Helmy.
34. My mom and dad are weird and silly.
35. I think they could get their own reality show.
36. They tell me all the time that I’m a very special little baby.
37. My mom has a lot of nicknames for me.
38. She calls me Peanut, Sweet Pea, Munchkinhead, Little Man, Big Boy, Pumpkin Butt, Chunky Monkey, Sweetie Pie, Handsome Man, Honeybunch, Chubster and lots of other things.
39. Daddy called me Chunko-butt the other day. What does that mean? Does that mean I’m fat?
40. Mom and Dad do a lot of work with me to get me strong.
41. I practice sitting, rolling, standing, pushing up, and I even do sit-ups.
42. I guess my surgery slowed down some of my progress.
43. My surgeon’s name is Dr. Moga.
44. His voice sounds like Kermit the Frog.
45. He’s very smart and nice and did a very good job fixing my heart.
46. Dr. Gremmels is my cardiologist.
47. Mom and Dad call him “G-man.”
48. He is so nice and he likes to say, “Goodgood” a lot, like it’s one word.
49. Daddy thinks he’s a sharp dresser.
50. I started going to daycare.
51. Carrie and Mike watch me. They are so nice!
52. There are a bunch of other kids there. Mostly boys.
53. They can all walk and crawl.
54. I will be doing those things very soon, too!
55. Mom and Dad read me lots of books.
56. Mommy knows the Tooth Book by heart and recites it in her sleep.
57. We always read in the loft before I go to bed.
58. Then either Mom or Dad holds me in their arms and bounces on an exercise ball.
59. That puts me right to sleep.
60. I have three favorite toys right now: my rattle, my toy cell phone and my little mirror.
61. I like to hold my rattle and pound it on my leg like it’s a tambourine.
62. I’m very good with my hands!
63. Ever since I was born, Mom and Dad have said that I’m going to do something with my hands when I grow up.
64. That and my voice.
65. I love to make noise.
66. I’m constantly grunting, talking or gurgling.
67. I love to sleep and I need lots of it.
68. If I don’t get enough, I’m a very grumpy boy.
69. Tiredness is the only thing that makes me cry besides pain.
70. I have always slept well at night.
71. From Day 1, I knew that bedtime was bedtime and I never cry in the night except to eat.
72. Then I go right back to sleep!
73. I don’t want to go back to the hospital.
74. They poke me with needles there.
75. Mommy says I have to go back to get better. Just a few more times.
76. My heart isn’t all fixed yet.
77. Dr. Moga will fix the rest next year.
78. I love to be outside.
79. I especially love stroller rides.
80. Mom and Dad say I have a fondness for the outdoors.
81. Daddy wants to teach me to hunt.
82. I make lots of funny faces.
83. Two second before I cry, I make a giant frown and furrow my brow and then I say, “Baaaaaa” and the tears start flowing.
84. It’s actually really cute.
85. I love it when Mommy sings songs to me.
86. The Itsy Bitsy Spider is my favorite.
87. I also love it when she makes animal noises.
88. The one that makes me smile the biggest is the sheep noise. BBa-aaa-a-aaa-ahhhh!
89. I have eight different doctors.
90. That’s a lot of people looking out for me.
91. My mommy says I’m pretty because I have big eyes and long eyelashes.
92. My lashes are longer than hers.
93. I hear a lot that I’m a handsome boy.
94. I will get chased by girls on the playground.
95. I have two teeth that are about to poke through my gums!
96. I can’t reach my feet because my body is too long.
97. I think I might be tall when I grow up.
98. I love playing with the tags on toys more than the toys themselves.
99. I just got a new high chair!
100. I started holding my own bottle this week.