Thursday, June 23, 2016

Medical updates and goodbye for now!

This post is bittersweet. It is a hello and also a temporary goodbye. Elijah has had a handful of medical appointments in the past few weeks, which I'll do a quick update on..

Urology: We are cathing him daily in high hopes that he will NOT need an extensive reconstructive surgery. We're praying hard for the cathing to work. We will check back with Dr. R in August and go from there.

Developmental pediatrics: We have stretched E's current Strattera dosage out for a loooong time. Behavior has been gradually getting worse (the past few weeks have been pretty crazy), so we are upping the dose starting tomorrow. Pray with us for improved mood and behavior soon! Dr. M also suggested a re-visit to genetics to get a handle on the reason so many things have surfaced in the past few years.

Neurology: We will be scheduling an MRI for August to see if E's spinal cord has retethered.

Pulmonology: Severe croup continues to be an issue with Elijah, but it does get better with each passing year. Still, though, we need to have emergency croup meds on hand just in case. I ALWAYS love visiting Dr. K because he appreciates our sense of adventure and values us as people and that means so much. And of course, he takes amazing care of our oldest boy.

Now for the FUN! As of next Friday, our new residence will be THIS beauty! Our house SOLD, Dan lost his job and we are hitting the road!

We will say goodbye to our home on July 1st, when our RV ("The HQ"...named by the boys) will become HOME for us for a while! We are all super excited for this journey. Life has been stressful and so crazy leading up to this point. I cannot WAIT to be on the road with my beautiful boys. I apologize if I haven't explained the journey thoroughly here, but you can find details on Pip and Ebby!

See you back here late August! Till then, check in on social media or on Pip and Ebby!!

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