Tuesday, September 18, 2007


We've had a bit of a setback with Helmy (my lil' pet name for Elijah's helmet). The first night he wore it all through the night, Saturday, it wasn't kind to his head. He woke up Sunday with a dark red welt-like mark across his forehead. Arrgggghhh...I really wanted to throw that thing in a dumpster, but I took a deep breath and nicely set it down. We kept Helmy off until yesterday when we could get in to see the orthotist, who looked shocked at what it had done to his head. Mr. Orthotist reshaped the inside of the helmet so it hopefully won't happen again. So here we go, at square one again. We are to re-start wearing the helmet very slowly and he should be wearing it full-time again by the weekend. I had it on him for a bit this morning and it appears to be sliding all over the place now! Really?? If we have further major issues, I may revisit the dumpster idea. Elijah is such a trooper and nothing bothers him. Even with a raw forehead, he was happy as a clam!

p.s. Who's the cute little helmet man?


Samantha said...

You are too funny! That picture you did of him is so cute! Hang in there...though, I too would be looking for a dumpster for anything that was injuring my little one. My new favorite mantra...from Dori (the fish)..."just keep swimming, just keep swimming" I find myself repeating this phrase all the time, for no apparent reason at all. So, "just keep swimming"
Big Heart Hugs,

Terri@SteelMagnolia said...

that pic is hysterical...

poor little guy!

Kathy said...

You just have to shake your head and laugh...they'll get it straight! Put one of those sweat headbands on his mellon under the helmet...it'll catch the sweat, keep it from rubbing, and now that it's too big...maybe it won't move around as much!!
I'm always here to offer advice that will not help...but, make you smile!
Take care you guys!