Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Awesome cardiology report!

I hope everyone is cozy at home right now, spending quality time with family. We are! Because of Dan's dad's unexpected hospital stay (he's home and doing just fine!), we are spending tonight at home, just the three of us, and tomorrow with Dan's whole family, instead of the other way around.

Elijah's cardiology visit went perfectly today. Minus some trauma from having blood pressure taken and getting weighed and measured, everything went great. Things look perfect post-cath, and we don't expect to go back for four months, wooohhooo!! Dr. Gremmels even took us back to the secret room with all the computers in it and showed us the live "video" of his cath from last month. It was soo incredibly cool! It's so hard to believe what can be done by inserting a tiny catheter up the vein in his groin and into his heart. We got to see the bloodflow throughout his chest and we got a clear picture of his heart's anatomy. It is all so much bigger than I had ever pictured. I always thought everything they "worked" on was on the left side of his chest, but that's not true at all. They do work throughout his entire chest area, and plus, his heart is pretty huge. On the video we could also see all of the metal he has inside of his little body. He has about seven looped wires going up the center of his chest, meant to keep his sternum closed after surgery. Then he has a stent and the 12ish coils dancing around all over the place as his heart beats.

We finally asked The Question: What will Elijah's limitations be, and what is his long-term prognosis? I have been so afraid to ask this question, so we never have till now. I should have asked it sooner, because I think it would have given me some peace. Dr. G's answer was awesome! He said that Elijah should be able to play any sport he wants to play. He won't be the fastest and he won't be the slowest. He WILL tire more easily than most. Because he will never be "the best" in sports where speed or endurance is a factor (soccer, football, hockey), he most likely wouldn't want to continue with these sports to a super competitive degree anyway. Contact sports may limit him when he is within one year of a heart surgery, but other than that, we shouldn't try to limit him. As far as prognosis for the future, Dr. G thought that Elijah should live a normal life, going into adulthood. Having had so many surgeries, risks are obviously added to his life (heart failure, cardiac arrest), but they aren't likely (1-3%). Now, I know nothing is ever certain, but it feels so good to have Dr. G confidently say these things to us. He knows the inside of Elijah's body better than anyone, so his words are comforting.

His next open heart surgery will most likely be sooner than we had expected. Dr. G thinks we should be able to stay away from the hospital in 2009 (minus a heart cath or two), but 2010 is most likely his year for OHS #3. Kids with his anatomy typically need the valve replacement sooner than most, but after this next one, we SHOULD have quite a few years "off."

That's it for now. I just wanted to get this update written so tomorrow I can focus on Christmas, and posting fun pics and video of STEPS! You all are such an important part of our lives. Thank you for being so supportive of our family and for loving us. I don't know what I would do without all of you! God bless you all...and Merry Christmas! oxoox


Samantha said...

What a wonderful update Megan! MERRY CHRISTMAS! What the perfect gift for an amazing family. Sit back and enjoy your little miracle (and the rest of your family).

Much love,

Jane said...

Merry Christmas! Glad you could hear something so positive from your doctors, what a blessing.

mina said...

Now that's a great way to start Christmas. Doesn't it just fill your heart with joy??!! OK, ready for that video now.

Kathy said...

can't wait to see the video!!!
Merry Christmas!

Dina said...

What great news.
Merry Christmas



Merry Christmas!

Tina:0) said...

What a great Christmas present - such a good, reasurring report!

Hope you all have a blessed, wonderful, Merry Christmas!

Unknown said...

Just a quick second to come by and say Merry Christmas!

Ellen, Eric and Leo said...

We hope you guys have a great holiday and relaxing time together with all your family. We miss you and hope to see you soon.
Love Ellen, Eric & Leo

Tiffers said...

Congrats on hearing the news from the best. I can imagine how light you felt after hearing that. "STeps" can't wait to see video. Hope you enjoyed Christmas.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Megan, how awesome about the great card report! I can just hear you relief!

Hope Dan is doing better and you were all able to enjoy a great Christmas together with family.

Can't wait to see the pics and video of steps! How exciting! Give that sweet little boy a big Christmas hug from us, okay?!

Sending lots of love and wishes for a happy and HEALTHY 2009!!


Sarah said...

What an awesome report! Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for the great report. It's nice to hear that you won't have to put any limitations on him. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas!

Unknown said...

I was finally able to sit down and read the cardiology update. This is great news!