Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Sunshine through the snow

I have recently become really sensitive to the negativity I see in the world around us. In response to it, I have tried to restructure my thoughts and actions so that I focus on the good side of everything. This morning on my way to work, I started to think, UG! STUPID SNOW! STUPID COLD! but I stopped myself before I got too worked up. I turned it around and tried to see the positive things. Even in the early morning darkness, snow is beautiful! The trees look so fragile and pretty covered in it. I continued to focus on the good things, and by the time I got to work, the positivity wasn't forced at all. If it gets a little warmer, we might be able to take Elijah sledding!

From now on, I'm going to do my best to apply this principle to every part of my life. Negativity breeds negativity. If I focus on how Elijah is sick a lot and this and that and wahh wah waaah...well then, that chaos will probably just continue.

So with that as my new philosophy...onto a quick Porta update..

Dan is feeling much better after his tummy bug, and Elijah hasn't thrown up since Sunday, woohoo! He woke up in the middle of the night coughing, so we were on top of it right away this morning with a neb.

We are dog sitting the cutest puppy ever right now. We get Buster for a week, and we are falling in love with him! He and Elijah are so cute together. Elijah likes to touch Buster and check him out (he's soooo soft). Buster sees that as an invitation to lick his face and sometimes knock him over (gently) out of excitement. Elijah doesn't seem to mind. He just makes funny faces in anticipation.

We are fulfilling two of our Giving List items today, and before Christmas we will fulfill the last one. It feels so good to help people out this time of year. I love it!

I can't be totally sure, but I think Elijah tried to say, "Hi Daddy" yesterday. It came out as, "Hah Dah." I think his speech is on the cusp of some serious development, and that is so exciting. I can't wait to hear his sweet little voice say real words. He certainly is good with the fake words. Sometimes Dan and I listen to him through the baby monitor as he talks to himself before falling asleep. We just laugh and laugh. The sounds and inflections that come out of his mouth are hilarious.

Elijah is taking steps! His legs are stiff as boards, and he has to hold both of my hands, but HE IS TAKING STEPS! I didn't even see this coming. His PT tried it last week and he just did it! I will get video this week sometime and share. He looks uncomfortable and robotic, but...STEPS!

Tomorrow is Elijah's post-cath cardiology check, so keep the cute boy in your prayers. Also, Dan's dad had a scary thing happen last night, so keep him in your prayers, too. He recently stopped taking his blood thinner medication (for his heart) and they think that may be why his body formed a blood clot in his head that is slightly affecting his vision. We're praying it will go away with medication.

We have some fun doggy-Elijah pics to share later. Sooo cute...have a good day everyone!


Anonymous said...

STEPS! Wow! That's GRRRREAT!!!
I think his first sentence is going to be..."Can we go to Grammie and Grampa's in North Carolina, soon?" I'm hoping!
love ya,

mina said...

Megan, I think we can all take a lesson in thinking positive, I know I'm often guilty of taking things for granted.

It must be so cute to see Elijah putting weight on those legs and actually taking steps. Now that HAS to be a video moment. What a big boy!

Unknown said...

I need to think like you and try and see the positive in everything..
I am glad everyone is starting to feel better. I hope you and your family have a wonderfull Christmas.


Wendy said...

Hi Megan!

I just stopped by to wish you all a Merry Christmas! And I'm so happy that I did....did you say, "steps?!" Woo-Hoo! You go, Elijah!!! I swear these kids are just so amazing...I have tears in my eyes now!

I hope that Santa is good to your little man! Thanks so much for always leaving a sweet note in Emma's guestbook! They mean so much to me.

Oh, and I'm on book 3 right now...my oldest daughter is on book 4 and keeps trying to spoil it for me! :) Just had to share that I'm a Twilight fan, too!

Take care and have a wonderful holiday!

Hugs & Prayers,

Wendy (& Emma, too!)

Krista said...

I'm so glad that the sickies have left the house...especially in time for Christmas. You were definitely in my thougths and prayers...and that is totally awesome about the steps...he's gonna be caught up in no time!
Merry Christmas...stay warm

my life: said...

Quite a meaty little post...Mrs. Porta.
I get the stiff leg thing! Grace looked the exact same way. :0)
So exciting though!!!!
I am positive he was saying Hi to daddy...he is the biggest boy! So many changes recently...very exciting!

You are right about the negativity...remember though...this is your "safe" place. To vent...whatever...I absolutely agree with you though.

The tiny end note-about your husband....seems scary to me. Prayers of a quick resolution and freedom from pain....going up on his behalf.

Have a fantastic Christmas!!!!
Much love...

Anonymous said...

Happy to hear that everyone is feeling better and will be able to enjoy the holidays. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!

Melanie & Tim

Kathy said...

What...steps?? seriously?
When did he start standing? There is hope for Isaac...hope! YEAH!!
I can't believe it! OK...when he's walking...I have veggie tales material already for him...It'll be a "super Elijah Veggie Tale super hero cape"...perfect.

Uhhmm....it's ok to think all the snow is yucky. I really can't drive in it..I will have an anxiety attack (it caused me to crash into a tree once..ouch!)

I can't wait to see his new pics and video...

have a Merry Christmas...and I hope everyone stays healthy!


Sarah said...

Merry Christmas Megan, Dan and Elijah!!!