Monday, December 29, 2008

Home time

We spent our entire weekend being at home together. We did some cleaning and laundry and organizing and it feels awesome to be somewhat in control of our house for once. It has been a cluttered burden for so many months. Every room I walked into, I would moan and think of about 23 things that needed to be done. I even cleaned and organized Elijah’s room this weekend. As I was scraping dust off the shelves, I realized that I had never once dusted those shelves before. We put them up just before Elijah was born, TWO YEARS AGO. Gross! I have no idea how parents who work outside the home and who have more than one child have time for anything besides the bare minimum. How does anything ever get done? One of my goals for the new year is to do my best at staying on top of everything, or at least not allowing myself to be controlled by the dust bunnies in my house. It’s amazing how good it feels to have a semi-clean house. I think I need a five-day weekend every week!

Elijah is still a sick boy. I think he could break records with the amount of green globby snot that slides out of his nose every thirty seconds. He was up coughing a lot through the night last night. At 4:30 I went in to sit with him because he was coughing so hard I was sure he had thrown up. Thankfully, he hadn’t. I thought he might go back to sleep after a quick neb, but as I was rocking him he started “honking” my nose in the dark and giggling and trying to tickle my neck. Buster heard the commotion and started barking, so we were all up early to start our day! It actually worked out just fine. Dan was able to take Buster for a much-needed walk and I got some quality Elijah Time before heading to work.

It was weird being at work today. After five straight days of nothing but Dan and Elijah, I felt like I was missing a limb. I found myself worrying more than usual and of course missing Elijah more than usual. My sweet little peanut. Which leads me to.. There was a period of time yesterday where Elijah was not so sweet. He threw the biggest tantrum I’ve seen yet. I was giving him a bath and he made the sign for all done, so I assumed he wanted out of the bath. I took him out and he started doing the floppy fish back arching screaming thing that is always so much fun. He was wet, so I was barely able to hold onto his slippery little body. I laid him down to put a diaper on and it just got worse. Once the diaper was on, I walked away to let him work through it. Except, he kept following me. He followed me into the laundry room and started hitting my legs and banging his head on the laundry basket as he wailed. So I went over to the computer. He crawled over to me and did the same thing. So I went downstairs. He flopped around and screamed for probably ten straight minutes in the hallway upstairs. I was actually worried that he was going to do damage to his little feet, as forcefully as he was kicking the ground, over and over. After he realized I was going to outlast him, and after angrily tossing a few toys over the railing, he started playing nicely with his blocks. I came back upstairs and all was well! Ahhhh, toddlers..

99% of the time, though, he is just the best little boy. He has such a sweet little spirit. All weekend he would crawl over to Dan or me and pull himself up on us and say, “Haahhhhhhhhh!” and smile. He was stopping by to say HI! You would think he has southern roots with the way he pronounces his only two words: Haahhhhhh! and Baahhhhhhh!

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and that you ate lots of yummy food and got lots of nice things from Santa.. Have a good week, everyone!


Samantha said...

I am sorry...I have that whole temper tantrum in my head and I am laughing hysterically about it. I know they are no fun...but they are "normal" and they really are funny when you look back on it.

I must say I thought you had changed your mind on a puppy and then I read that you are just puppy sitting...I think that Dan and E may just talk you into a pup at some point ;)

I love the video of E walking! What a big boy! He is so adorable! I am really going to try to keep up better with my heart babies...things are still just crazy here...even though I am on "vacation".

I hope you recuperate from having to return to least you have some more vacation time this week too.

Much love!

Kathy said...

OH...I would have loved to see that tantrum on video~
I can't wait for Isaac's!!!

mina said...

It's funny, we long for that moment when our kids get mobile, and can follow us around, but with that new independence comes so much stubbornness! Someday you'll laugh about it, at least that what I'm hoping for on my end. These toddlers can really show you when they're mad!

il Dan said...
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jencooper said...

Oh, I beg to differ!! Grace had some major snottiness going on but she has finally stopped spouting it. She just has the cough now.

Can E and G hang out together?? Then maybe they can delight each other in their temper tantrum throwing and we could just drink a margarita! He sounds exactly like Miss Thing!!

I am glad that you were able to get your house organized!!


Tina:0) said...

Just getting caught up... look at him walking!! It won't be long now, Momma! And I love him lying under the table reading... is that Madame Blueberry I see?! (Veggie Taaales!! - All we hear in our house is "Bobby - fine it!!")

Its no fun having to go back to work, but ahh the fun you'll have when you get home!

Hope you're having a good week! Give E big hugs from us!

Sarah said...

I always feel so good when I get things all cleaned up. Elijah - throw a fit? No... LOL - you should see/hear some of Evan's. His thing now is, "Fine... if you don't love me...." They figure out just how to get you. Hope you all have a wonderful time bringing in the new year. Heres to a healthy and happy 2009.

Unknown said...

That is to funny I had to laugh because Logan does the exact same thing as Elijah except for the crawling part but if he could Logan would follow me everywhere to.
I am sorry to hear Eliijah is still not feeling well.

I hope everyone there has a Happy New Year.


Anonymous said...

kids doing temper tantrums crack me up - especially when they try so hard to be mad and then stop and check to see if you are watching. I laugh so hard at those moments. I hope Elijah gets feeling better really soon. Glad you had a wonderful Christmas and I hope you have a marvelous New Year!

nikki wood said...

I just found your blog and am going to follow it so I can see updates! I'm 35 weeks pregnant and my son has been diagnosed with TOF and possible pulmonary atresia among other things...