Thursday, December 18, 2008

Poop vomit smell yuck

I knew something was "off" last night before I put Elijah to bed. He was acting funny and seemed uncomfortable in a way I've never seen before. I put him to bed knowing that something weird was going to happen in the middle of the night. It wasn't his normal croup routine, so I knew it wasn't going to be that..

I heard a gagging noise over the monitor at 8:30 and ran upstairs to find Elijah covered in vomit and crying. We threw him in the bath and changed his bedding and I started to rock him back to sleep. More puke. More changed clothes for both of us. Dan started to rock him. More puke. More changed clothes for both of them. This went on for quite a while. We went through almost every one of his blankies and every towel in our house. Our washing machine was working hard! I laid down with him on a mattress on his floor. He threw up a couple more times. It finally seemed like he didn't have anything left in his tummy to possibly throw up, so I put him back in his bed and laid down on the floor so I could hear if he threw up again. A little while later, more throwing up. More changed bedding, scrambling to find another blankie for him, another change of clothes. UGhghh!

Finally the throwing up stopped, but he didn't sleep very well. This morning he chugged some water like I've never seen him chug before. Fifteen minutes later, he threw it back up. I decided to go into work a couple hours late so I could get a little sleep. I woke up to Dan saying, "AGGhghhh!" I thought Elijah had thrown up again, but I found the two of them in the bathroom with poop everywhere (sorry Elijah for telling the internet about your poop...luckily you're a boy so you might think that's funny someday..)! Dan was gagging and Elijah was giggling so I started giggling. He hasn't had a fever at all and he appears to feel just fine unless he is in the act of throwing up, so I suppose those are good signs. So far today he has been ok. Dan said he ate some toast and a little water and has kept everything down.

Please keep our little man in your prayers. I feel like this is just a little quickly-passing thing, and I hope I am right. This next statement will tell you how much croup scares me.. I would rather experience a night like last night over a croup episode ANY DAY!


Sarah said...

Giggling in the bathroom about stinky poop? LOL. Elijah's croup I know is much worse than Evan's, I know this b/c in my book messy poop and croup tie. Hope for no croup and no messy poop.
Have you seen 4 Christmas' - I had a date night for the 1st time in forever and we saw 4 Christmas'. There is a scene were the guy is gagging about throw up and it is hilarious... can imagine Dan sitting there gagging and it being hilarious.

Ehlan said...

Oh ickies. I hope Elijah recovers quickly and that you and Dan don't catch it!!! The first time Olivia had the pukies, I had it too, and was still nursing...can you picture me nursing her during the middle of the night and puking in her trash can without even un-latching her? :) That ought to bring a smile to your face.

mina said...

Well, hopefully all the yuckies are out of his system by now! Tomorrow HAS to be a better day!

my life: said...

I hear ya!!! So sorry though...neither is fun. :0( Thoughts coming your way...

TimnKatienElinSam said...

There is a TON of that going around right now. We had a day of the vomit with Sam. The MD gave us a food guide that supposedly helps the vomit stop (what to give, how much, and when). Let me know if you want me to email it to you. I hope Elijah gets better soon!

Katie and the boys

Kathy said...

Oh need a mask to put on in times like this!

You Eli does this when he has a bad post nasal drip. Listen to Elijah and see if he's swallowing alot. The extra swallowing causes the throw up and the yucky poops.

Hope it's over poor guys can't catch a break. I'll tell JOe to hold down the fort and I'll fly up and babysit.

Ann(ie) said...

OH honey. I've had a night like tha b/f with Ben and it just wipes everyone out. Poor little puddin pop....Hope you're all getting some excellent zzzzz's tonight!! xo.

Terri@SteelMagnolia said...

Oh no... you poor kids...

I'm sorry... I will for sure keep the little fella in my prayers...

I hope he's feeling better by morning...


Anonymous said...

Oh, what a yucky night! I hope things are settling down over there and the little man is feeling better! I agree with Kathy...could it be drainage related? Steph used to do the same thing when she was little and her ENT said it was like she was "eating snot with a spoon" (gross) and it was making her stomach upset.

Enjoy your weekend with no laundry and no poop explosions!! really is a wonderful feeling to just know we have the best docs out there for our kids. I feel the same way!

Love ya!


The Smith's said...

Wow, your comparison of the pukies and croup really brought to light how BAD and SCARY his croup is. Is his croup heart-related?

It's funny, I had just posted a "gratitude" post which focused a ton on Luke's doctors when I read your pulmonology report. I can't tell you how much I get it when I say how amazing it is to feel like your doctors take time to listen and actually care. Wow, I don't know how we would have gotten through these last two years without a great medical team.

I hope Elijah is feeling a ton better today and that you and Dan don't get sick!


Anonymous said...

Wishing you a calm weekend with no bodily function episodes! Love you guys.....Kendis