Elijah is still doing well on Tamiflu. He has a few more days of it and then he will be done. The H1N1 vaccinations are still not in. I am trying to be patient! I think PATIENCE is one of the Life Challenges written next to Megan Porta in my file that sits in a filing cabinet somewhere in God's office. I feel like I am constantly having my patience tested, which I guess I can't complain about. It is rewarding to know that I am in the process of learning the things I am supposed to learn.
Last Saturday was the three-year anniversary of the day we learned there was something wrong with Elijah's heart. I will NEVER NEVER NEVER forget that day. As I was thinking about it, I realized how much my perspective has changed since then. Three years later, after persevering through some pretty intense challenges, I feel that I am able to handle difficult situations much differently. I guess that is a part of maturing and experiencing life and experiencing the challenges God intends for me to face.
Despite some mildly worrisome things that have been going on for us lately, I feel more blessed than ever. Our experiences with Elijah have completely changed my views on what matters and what is worth worrying about. Three years ago I might have let certain things bring me down, but now? All I see are the amazing blessings I have in my life.
Dan and I recently made a goal to read through the entire New Testament before Christmas. I had a few days off work last week, so I read through the book of Matthew. There were a few things that really stood out to me:
1. Jesus' life on earth was pretty amazing and his passion for his Father was incredible! It really makes me think twice about how I treat people and about my relationship with God.
2. I love love love reading through the parables. I think my favorite is the one in Matthew 13 about the sower and the seed. It is such a good reminder for me about how I should be living my life. If you haven't read it in a while (or ever), go read it!
3. This is one of my new favorite verses and every time I start to worry about something, I say it in my head and suddenly I feel free and light and good. Matthew 6:34 - "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."
Some of you asked about what will be done at Elijah's heart cath on 11/9 and also at his next OHS. I think this post answers both questions.
I will try to get video of Elijah taking steps soon. Usually when I get the video camera out lately all he wants to do is come over and steal it from me, so I'll see if I can trick him.