Laying in Daddy's canopy...Eli wants to jump!
Sooooo tired after a day at the dropzone
We took Elijah to the dropzone today and tired him out. Dan made a skydive, but I decided to hold off since our man was getting a bit tired and crabby and we had to get home for bedtime. It has been a year and a half since I've jumped, so I'll admit I've been a little hesitant. BUT...I'm DYING to get up in the sky again! Some people have expressed disappointment in us as parents for wanting to continue to skydive, but it is like being a parent of a cardiac baby....It is something that we could never explain to someone who isn't in our shoes. It is as safe a sport as you want it to be. Yes, accidents happen, but the odds of anything "bad" happening are really very slim. By jumping out of a plane, I don't feel I'm any less of a good mom. In fact, Elijah will have a much happier mom if I continue to jump. It is the most freeing, wonderful feeling in the world. AAaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh....can't wait to get up there again! Hopefully next weekend, if the weather cooperates.
Elijah has been doing well this past week. His napping is getting slightly better and I feel like we aren't trying as hard, which takes some pressure off. He is still a great night sleeper and THANK GOD for that. He spent the night at Auntie Lissa's house a few nights ago and did wonderfully, so that is reassuring. We are prepping him for when Dan and I will be gone for three nights in August as we relieve some stress from this past year (in Vegas...wooohooooo!!). It has been quite the year. We've endured more than we ever thought we could in such a short time. But our little Elijah is worth it all. He's such a blessing to us and we love him so much. I thank God for him every day.
We are off to my family reunion tomorrow morning in Okoboji and we're so excited to introduce Eli to the Weiss side of the family. He will love meeting everyone!
Have a safe weekend!!!
Hi There! Have a wonderful time at your reunion! I miss living up north where you actually have summers that are pleasant! I hope that you get your chance to skydive next week to give yourself that relief--I must say, I would be terrified, but I am a big baby! Eli looks cute as can be!
Take care,
One more close to Eagan are you guys? I grew up there (well until I was 13, so most of my childhood was spent in Burnsville and Eagan.)
You guys are great parents! Eli is sooo cute. I want to reach out and give him a big hug. You're doing a great job taking care of him. When we adopted Jacob, he was 5 months old and we had to hold his head like a newborn. He was on his back all the time in the orphanage. But it didn't take long to catch up with holding his head and advancing in his other motor skills. He had lung problems, so I can relate to some of what you're going through. Hang in there, God is faithful. Jacob is now 17years old and doing great and a blessing to us. love, Mary Obert
Well I dont know what to say... but I will start with hello from Down Under!!! I came across your blog from a link to another beautiful baby boys blog who's link was at the bottom of an email I recieved... phew..did you get all that???
But I just wanted to say what a beautiful special little guy you have been blessed with!
My son was born just over 10 weeks prem but didnt have anywhere near the complications Eli has... We were very very lucky.. My son is now 10 years old and you would never know he was just 2lb 14 oz..
Take care of yourselves and dont let anyone say you are bad parents for wanting to keep up your skydiving... Probably safer than crossing the streets!!!
I will be popping back for sure to say hi and watch your gorgeous little man grow...
He's soo cute.. I'm so happy he's doing well...
OMG.. skydiving!! I would be scared out of my mind!! But I'm a big chicken... I'm afraid to go hiking if there are bears ...
I'm surprised I even leave the house...
My dad went skydiving once.. he said once was enuff...
hee hee!
Hi Again Megan--
I moved to Dallas when I was 13 and still live down here. It is such a small world isn't it? I hope you had a great time at your family reunion. I am sure that your family was just thrilled to spend time with Eli.
Take care,
You guys are CRAZY!!! (I'm one of those "afraid of heights" and everything else gal!!! Glad you're having fun! If we're not at Stanford, you'll have to call a meeting with all the Vegas heart mom's that you've met! Have fun once you get here....we can always pick you up in the MINIVAN and take you cruising around!!! ha ha ha...
Hey Meg, Dan,& Eli
Skydiving parents each make a tough choice; usually not about the 'dangerous' sport, but about telling other people who are can be so judgemental about parenting choices. We both still will skydive and support you in your choice. I loved being the kid of a 'daredevil' dad. He always made me feel like I had the guts and smarts to do anything and I was proud of his flying, skydiving, motorcross, ect. ect. He just got his helicoptor rating last summer at 67 years young. That's how I want to age!!
Good luck,
Ellen, Eric & Leo
I am so sorry we missed you guys at the DZ! I hope we get to see you soon. I think Ellen said it best. Staying true to yourself is what makes great parents and great kids. I don't have kids (although, Doug is a kid at heart and Dexter will always be my 4 legged furry little boy!) I believe that the best thing you can do as a parent, care giver and friend is to be happy with who you are and stay true to what you beileve in.
Forget to sign my previous comment! I think you probably figured it out when I mentioned Doug and Dexter! I can't wait to see how big Eli has gotten. If you need a babysitter out there so you can jump together I am more than happy to watch the little sweetpea! The next wewekend we will be out is July 20th-22nd.
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