Thursday, August 2, 2007

Bridge catastrophe, a postponed surgery & an appendectomy

We luckily were not near Mpls when the bridge collapsed last night, but we're sooo sad about this. It's tragic. As far as we know, all of our friends and families are safe. We've had a few friends tell us that they had driven over the bridge within an hour of the collapse. That hits way too close to home.

Baby Isaac's surgery was postponed yesterday, so hopefully they can fit him in today. Dr. Hanley had an emergency surgery in the ICU to tend to, so that's why Isaac got bumped.

My sweet little niece Emma had her appendix removed last night. I'm so glad they caught it before it ruptured. Thankfully she is doing well today and doesn't have a fever anymore and is expected to go home by 11:00 this morning. Get well, sweet little girl! We'll see you soon!

I'm hugging my boys a little extra tight today.


Samantha said...

I have been thinking of you since I heard about the bridge and I am thankful that you are all okay. We are praying for Issac to do well during his surgery and we are hoping that your niece gets to go home soon as well.
Hugs to you all.

Terri@SteelMagnolia said...

Wow... a lot happening...

I'm wondering about Isaac.... I keep checking her blog...

Glad your niece is doing okay, too!

We'll be in touch, huh!

Anonymous said...

I too passed over the bridge (as I do every day...) about 30 minutes before the crash. I thank God he & my 4 guardian angels (my grandparents) were keeping a close eye on me. I was suppose to have a late afternoon meeting which would have put me on the bridge about the time it collapsed, the meeting was rescheduled. I counted my blessings last night and woke up this morning repeating the prayer that always hung in under the mirror at my grandma's house. It goes:
Good Morning Sweet Jesus this day is for you, please bless everything I think, say and do. Amen.
God Bless you all tonight. Hug your precious ones close and tell them again how much you love them.