Thursday, September 8, 2011


I'm playing catch-up again. I hate neglecting to write down all of the cute things the boys are doing and saying.

Elijah has been Mr. Inquisitive. Here is a typical conversation:

"Mom, remember that guy's name?" (referring to a guy driving a truck next to us at a stop light)
"I'm not sure what his name is. We could make one up for him."
"Remember his name?"
"How about Ralph."
"Mom, where is Ralph going?"
"Hmm, maybe he is making a delivery?"
"What delivery he gonna make?"
"It looks like he's driving a truck with groceries."
"Where is he bringing the groceries to?"
"Probably to the grocery store."
"Then where is he gonna go?"
"Probably home."
"Where's his home?"

And on and on... He's curious about the world! The funny thing is that everyone is "that guy." The little girl at the park? That guy. The puppy walking down the sidewalk? That guy.

The only tv show that Sammy seems to enjoy is Yo Gabba Gabba (Isaac would be so proud!). Every time I turn on the tv, Sam attempts to say "Gabba Gabba" in his cute little Sammy way. Imagine saying it while sticking your tongue completely out of your mouth for the Bs. It sounds something like GLAUHHLA-GLAUHHLA.

Last night we stopped by Elijah's school for open house. He is sooo excited to start school again. He played for a bit in his classroom, said hi to his teachers and was not at all happy when we had to leave. I am not kidding when I say that he asked at least 100 times on the drive home when he could go back. The boy loves school!

Sam has been obsessed with two things lately. Balls and shoes. Well, he has always loved balls, but the shoe thing is new. He asks for balls ALL THE TIME. He opens his palm to the sky, as if to say, "Where could all of the balls in the world be?" When we are at home, he walks over to where our shoes are by the door and points and says, "ISS." "Yes, Sammy, those are shoes." First he picks his shoes up and shoves them toward his feet, continuing to say "ISS" until I put them on him. Then he will bring me my shoes, one at a time, and point to my feet until I put them on.

Sam also says UP now, but it comes out MMP. Every time he hears an airplane, he makes the sign for airplane and says BRRRM BRRRRMMM. I'm convinced that he is mad at me for leaving him last weekend. He has not been the same with me since.

There's more, there is always more cuteness to speak of, but I'm out of time. More later..

1 comment:

Cecilia said...

Your two little men are so funny and cute!!!