Monday, October 8, 2007

Funny new noise

Every day brings something new and fun with Elijah. Today he suddenly started making a kissy-type face, accompanied by a funny giggly noise that we just had to record and share with everyone. He's been doing it all day long. It cracks us up every time.

Random stuff: Dan and I were watching him play tonight and he is soooo good with his hands. He has very steady, confident hands. Maybe he'll be a heart surgeon! He's been a bit "off" lately because of his new teeth. They look so cute in his mouth. Tonight he ate his first cookie all by himself (well, sucked on his first cookie)! He looked like an old pro, like he had eaten a thousand cookies before. Today he got his first RSV shot of the season. Poor man didn't like that too much. And another first today--he didn't wake up till 6:45am (amazing!) and didn't go to sleep till 7:15pm (amazing!). Our next goal will be to attempt sleeping through the night. Aaaahhhh, can't wait for that! Or should I say, Dan can't wait for that. Ever since I've been back to work, my wonderful hubby has gotten up almost every night to feed Elijah. He's the middle-of-the-night guy and I'm the early morning gal.

Helmet update: We ditched out on our appointment today with the orthotist. Elijah's forehead is still discolored and peeling from wearing it 10 days ago (totally ridiculous if you ask me), so it's not like he would have been able to leave the office wearing it anyway. I think we may really be done with it. It's been a topic we haven't really discussed lately because we both want to pretend it doesn't exist. Unless I hear some sort of miraculous voice from God in the next few days, I'm pretty sure we're through. Yes, we feel a little guilty about that, but really...we started this whole process on August 29th! That's way too long when we have many other more important things to be dealing with. His head looks fine to us. It will probably be a tiny bit assymetrical, but you'll only be able to see it if you look closely.


Kathy said... CUTE!!!
I'm so jealous...he's so vocal! Isaac's the strong silent type...
I'm sorry that Eli's melon is still irritated and that poor helmey is getting the boot! (Serves him right!) You guys have such a great system getting up with Eli...would Dan please call my Joe and remind him that husband's can get up at night! (he often forgets)What a pair you two are!

Sarah said...

RSV shots - man I don't miss those - someone gave me advice that if you put a moistened tea bag on the shot site immediately afterwards it takes the sting out - I don't know but it did seem to help Evan.

Wanna_B_slimmer said...

Well even if Eli's head is slightly out of shape.. thats what hair is for...
When you think of it... exactly how many of us have perfectly shaped heads anyway!!!
I cant see a problem with it now!!!
He is still gorgeous to me...