Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Croup: Season 3, Round 7

Elijah got daytime croup yesterday, which has happened only one other time in his life. We managed it without medication (no racemic epi neb), but we were only able to do this because he now does a great job of REMAINING CALM. Thank you, God! If anything good came from last week's heart cath, it lessened my (and Elijah's) fear of croup. He basically had croup for three straight hours in the hospital and did just fine for most of that time (when he was calm). So yesterday when I heard his croupy breathing, my worry level didn't increase by much. I knew it would be ok and that we could pull out the big guns if we needed to. I could not be more happy that our boy isn't panicking so much anymore!

It took a few hours, and a dose of oral steroids, but by early evening Elijah's breathing was almost completely back to normal. I kept checking on him through the night, but he didn't have another episode. Today he has a bit of a cough and a runny nose, but nothing terrible.

That's what I get for saying that we are all healthy, right?!

1 comment:

Cecilia said...

Elijah has done a great job of remaining clam!!!

Have a nice and healthy week!