Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Catchin' up

Catching up on writing down some cute things the boys have been up to lately..

Sam is starting to say words aside from MAMA DADA and BALL. Last night I had him saying CHEESE (food, not cheesin' for the camera...yet!). The other day he was attempting BLUEBERRY. It sounded like BUH-BUH. If I ask him what a cow says, he will say BOOOO! If I ask him what a duck says, he will say GA! GA! GA! We're working on other animal sounds. He's been doing this for a while now, but if Dan leaves, Sammy will open and close his hand and say, DA-DA DADA, which in Sammy speak means, BYE BYE, DADA.

Elijah is doing well with potty training. If we stay on top of reminding him, he can stay dry all day, even through naps. Poop? Still zero progress. I started trying to "persuade" him with lollipops, so now he gets fixated on that to the point where it is maybe doing more damage than good. The first thing he does upon getting out of bed in the morning is gaze longingly at the bowl of lollipops. This is followed by a huge dramatic show filled with tears and the whole works. "I want wowwy-pops!" I tell him that I want poop in the toilet. So he sits on the toilet and tries soooo hard to make himself go. "MOMMY! HELP ME POOOOOOP!" So, the lollipops aren't helping. Not yet.

Sam is walking EVERYWHERE. It is now his main means of getting around. It is so stinkin' cute. Elijah never went through the wobbly walking stage, so it is really fun. I took the boys to the park last night and loved watching Sam wobble up and down the sidewalk. While attempting to eat rocks. :)

Elijah is very attached to his stuffed monkey Nemo that Auntie Debby gave to him before surgery. He takes Nemo (along with Ladybug and "soft bwue polka dot bwankie") out of bed with him every morning. Nemo sits downstairs with us all day, and he even accompanies on park excursions. The other day I caught him rubbing Nemo's head and saying, "Awwww. Nemo so soft. I wubbing Nemo's hair. Awwww. I wuv Nemo! Nemo wuvs Elijah!" :)

Sammy = CLINGY. If we are in public (if anyone besides Dan, Elijah or me is within sight) Sam refuses to be set down. He often gives people the "hairy eyeball," as my friend Heather calls it, from the safety of Dan's or my arms. He will stare people down with the most serious face, never blinking or averting his eyes.

I feel like we haven't gotten out much this summer because, well, we just haven't. Between our weekend dropzone visits and everyday life and post-surgery blues, we just haven't done much. I've been trying to make more trips to the park (Sam suddenly hates swinging..??) and I'm looking forward to getting my boys to the pool and zoo, as well.

That's all I know! More later..


Cecilia said...

Your two little men are seriously adorable, you should upload more videos of Sammy and Elijah in the future.

Sarah said...

Hoping you get to fit in some of that fun stuff before summer ends. Love catching up and love how Nemo wuvs Elijah and Elijah wuvs Nemo. Evan has a puppy named putchers and a bear named bear - he is 7 but still loves those two.