Monday, April 4, 2011

Where's the snow??

Sam sat outside and looked around like, WHAT IS THIS?

Elijah excitedly pointed out birds to me. Wook, Mom, a BIRD! Thank goodness for this tiny taste of spring. I need spring. We all need spring.

Sammy did his first sign last night! He pushed his bottle away and I said, "Do you want more bottle or are you all done?" and he did the sign for ALL DONE. That was Elijah's first sign, too!

We had some rough patches with Elijah over the weekend. The sass and drama that can come from that boy gets ridiculous at times. Dan and I got to the point where we had a zero tolerance level for whining. If he whined, he went straight to his room. Then, there were other times that I couldn't believe how sweet he was. "Mommy, come snuggle on the couch wif me!" Or a random, "I wuv you, Mom."

Sammy is crawling everywhere and he is even pulling himself to a stand and then trying to stand on his own. He is ready to RUN. We have found him at the bottom of the stairs, looking up, crying because he doesn't know how to climb them yet.

I have been feeling extra vulnerable lately about Elijah's upcoming surgery. The bad thoughts creep in too often, and I don't deal with them very well. I want this surgery to go away. I don't feel ready to face it. I haven't found peace yet, although I'm trying so so hard. Please God, protect our little boy! That's something I say under my breath at least once every five minutes.

Dan starts night/weekend work soon and I'm feeling down about that, too. I want that reality to go away, as well.

I'm hoping spring will improve moods and emotions all-around!


Cecilia said...

Elijah and Sammy are seriously adorable and cute, love all those photos!

Try not to worry too much about Elijah's surgery, God will protect your little boy!

Have a nice week!

jencooper said...

Oh my cute are those boys????

Hang in there....