Wednesday, February 12, 2014

One more puzzle piece clicked into place

Dr. J's nurse called today. The 24-hour EEG monitor that Elijah wore last week showed NO SEIZURES! This is great news. We can scratch seizures off the list and move forward. We did "mark" one of E's eye fluttering episodes while he was wearing the monitor, and Dr. J said there was a spike that showed (again) seizure tendencies. At this point, though, it's nothing at all to worry about or address.

We called and had the EEG results sent to E's sleep specialist in hopes that she might be able to gain insight from his overnight readings. We'll give her a chance to review them and follow up. We are determined to get him sleeping better. It just has to happen! Dan and I will continue to pursue options until we can figure something out.

Elijah and Sammy are both feeling a little bit better today, although neither of them is 100% back their usual spunky selves. E had another good morning at school today (at least according to him)! Yay! We spent some time this afternoon making valentines for his classmates and decorating a valentine box. We're hoping he will be able to attend the school party on Friday! His teacher had told us that she didn't think it was a good idea for him to come to class in the afternoons for the next few weeks, so we are hoping she will make an exception since he has been so excited about the V-Day party.

Thanks for checking in and we thank you all for walking this journey with us!

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