More Elijah cuteness:
The other night I was taking him home from daycare and I kept hearing a deep, exhaled grunt coming from the backseat. It sounded like he was at the gym, grunting and exhaling with each push of the bench press. I looked back and Elijah was trying to sit up in his car seat. He was doing stomach crunches, trying to sit more upright, but his straps kept pulling him back down. He did it over and over and over, and every time, he'd let out a giant EERRRRrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Lately when I feed him, I can't get the spoon out of his mouth fast enough. He bites down on the spoon and I have to wedge it out of his mouth.
He does this cute silent giggle that is adorable enough to melt my heart into a giant puddle. He's never really been a big giggler. He giggles when Dan tickles him and lately he giggles when I play peek-a-boo with him, but otherwise he's always been kind of a tough crowd when it comes to getting him to giggle. Lately, when he has found something worth being amused by, he will squint his eyes, scrunch up his face and with his mouth open and different sized teeth spilling out, his lower jaw slides over to the right a bit and he just holds it there. No noise, just a scrunched up, lopsided happy face.
It's similar to this face, except more scrunched and lopsided:

I mentioned before his love for his favorite Veggie Tales silly song, Larry's High Silk Hat, right? His love for this song grows with every viewing. He now loves it so much that when the song that comes before this song ends, he gets VERY EXCITED and does spins and spins and spins in his exersaucer and looks back and forth between Dan and me like, Do you KNOW what song is next? Do you UNDERSTAND, guys? Do you? Do you? Then when HIS song is about to end, he starts crying. It's the end of his song! How can it end? It must be the end of the world, too!
Last night Elijah was a little more tired and crabby than usual so I gave him my cell phone, which is usually a last resort. I looked up to chat with some friends and when I looked back down I saw that we were Connecting to someone. Uh oh, who are we calling...Elijah had pressed DAD's speed dial number (Grandpa, to him). He must be excited about seeing him tomorrow! We are headed to North Carolina to visit Grandpa Dick and Grammie Paula and Uncle Joel early tomorrow morning. It will be our first plane trip with a baby, so I'm praying for a smooth day. We are very excited about warmer weather (MN is really just ridiculously cold and snowy this year) and about getting some quality time with the Weiss'.
Awwwhhhh... that little smile is so cute. Evan was tough at that age too.... everyone use to always say, man he doesn't smile for nothing, does he? Nope, you had to work for it.
CUTENESS indeed!!!
I love reading about all the cute things that he's up to! and teeth...I can't believe it! I'm still checking Isaac's mouth daily...and nothing!
Have a fun trip!
So glad you had a wonderful christmas. I just love reading your blog. I hope you enjoy your trip.
Travel safe.... They each have thier own funny little quirky thing...
Thought I would let you know I decided to start our blog. Well I'm still a little confused on how it all works but here it is.
Traveling blessings to you!! Olivia has done great on the plane, hopefully Eli will too!
Hey Portas...that is a ton of cuteness...sounds like he is just developing by leaps and bounds..what a great age! So glad you are enjoying him so much. I love the stories...and the flapping arms...and the sounds!
Hope you have a great few days in the warm south! Thanks for all the prayers and support for Kate!
Eli has the cutest smile! I miss him (and you two as well!) We need to get together soon so I can squeeze and kiss those adorable cheeks! I can't believe he has so many teeth! He is growing up so fast. Happy New Year! I so look forward to all the wonderful adventures we will all have in 2008.
Love and Hugs!
We had the same spoon issue with feeding time. I finally switched to plastic ones so he couldn't chomp down on them. hehe. He's such a punkin...I love reading about the stages!
Major cuteness you have going on! I love the Christmas photos! :) Happy New Year - I hope you have a great one! I also hope you are having a great trip. :)
Happy New Year guys...
He's simply precious...
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