Friday, December 19, 2008


I have two sick boys on my hands. Dan has been unmovable from the bed, and Elijah started throwing up again tonight. Last night and into today he had a fever so we thought things might be done, but they apparently aren't. He ate "nothing" at daycare today. I picked him up early, and we spent a glassy-eyed, tired afternoon together. Tonight after he threw up all over the dinner table, I knew he needed a little extra sleep and a little extra love.

I feel so helpless, having both of my men feeling so yucky. I pray that tomorrow is the turnaround day.

I don't really have anything else to report. I don't even have pictures. Maybe this weekend, since it is supposed to snow a lot and we probably won't go anywhere, I'll get some good ones.

Please say prayers for my awesome boys! Thank you. ooxox


Terri@SteelMagnolia said...

Oh girl... I'm sorry you have sick boys...

Hugs... take care...

thinking of you....

Unknown said...

Oh those poor boys. I really hope they start feeling better soon.

Mami Adame said...

I'll be praying you all wake up rested, with no more vomiting! Stay healthy Megan!

Anonymous said...

I am saying lots of prayers that your boys will get better very soon and that it stays away from YOU! Hang in there!

Sending lots of love,


Samantha said...

I am sorry they are sick my friend. You wear a mask so you don't catch it too while you take care of them. Lots of healing prayers being said for the Porta Family!

Much love,

Tina:0) said...

Oh, no!! I hope you are all back to non puking/pooping folks soon!

ThePicks said...

"THE ILLNESS" sucks! It just won't leave. Hope Dan and Elijah get healthy again soon (and that they don't share it with you)!

The RA

Ehlan said...

Oh man, I don't know about you but I think my hubby is more whiney when he is sick than my little one! :) Hope you are better soon!