Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I apologize for my lack of blogging lately. Life is seeming pretty overwhelming for me right now. I feel like I don't have time for anything except for the absolute bare necessities. I have a huge project due at work next Friday (YIKES) that I have been frantically trying to get done, so that has taken up a lot of my time and energy. On top of that, it seems like almost every night is booked with something for the next few weeks. Dan's 30th birthday is this Friday so I have been trying to think of things that will help make his day special.

I'm tired. I want a mental break. It's a good thing I have made my nightly baths a priority because they have definitely helped to keep me sane.

Elijah is doing well. He spent the entire weekend resting up from his cath last week. One night in the hospital equals a SLEEP-DEPRIVED baby for one solid week, we have learned. He has been going to sleep at 5:30 every night since we got home! If I were smart I'd start going to bed at the same time.

We don't have much to report. I just wanted to get an update out so you all knew we are doing ok. I do have some cute pics to upload, and some cute things Elijah is doing to talk about but I'll have to save those for later in the week.

The five minutes it took to write this is all the time I have for a tiny lunch break today, so I must go! More later....


Paula Weiss said...

So thankful that E. is getting his rest. The project will be over soon and Dan will be 30 all year long! (what a streak of luck!) It'll all come together Honey! You're a great mom and a terrific wife (not to mention a stellar employee, wonderful daughter and sister!).
Love you-

Tina:0) said...

Glad to hear that all is well! Going to bed at 5:30 sounds GREAT!! Wish I could get my girls to follow suit.

Hope you enjoy your baths! Take one for me! Give that little guy some smooches from us!

Unknown said...

I am glad to hear everyone is doing good, But sad to hear that you are worn out and tired. I hope things slow down at work pretty soon. I know it is always hectic for me during the holidays with shopping and cooking. Thanks for the update try and get some sleep when you can. Lots of hugs Karen

Ann(ie) said...

Perfectly understandable, girlie. You work FT, we're in the busiest month of the year, you've have a sick munchkin, your Hubby has a milestone bday...glad you're taking those baths and relaxing!!! I'll be you're exhausted! Matt's 40th is this month, too...Don't you love your Sagattarius man? I do. They rule.
Hang in there, sugar. we're rooting for you. xo.

Samantha said...

Hang in there my friend...I am glad you are taking care of YOURSELF...now, you can eat dinner, put E to sleep, take your bath and be in bed by 8PM...young lady!!!

Much love,

mina said...

Wow, it seems like you've got a lot going on. Good to hear that Elijah is recovering, and I hope all goes well with completing your project. It IS important for you to take some time to yourself. All us supermoms will agree on that one!

Unknown said...

Hi Megan when you get a chance can you please email me your address I am wanting to send out Christmas cards to all my Heart Mom Friends, Thanks Karen

Kathy said...

Go Megan...Go Megan!!!
You're a Rockstar Mom!!!
Hug that chub-a-lovin' for us!!!

Unknown said...

Glad to hear all is well. You sure are one busy woman. I think I should start the nightly baths with you.

Ehlan said...

Hope you get some rest! Get to bed early tonight!