Friday, November 27, 2009

Croup: Season 2, Round 3

I can usually predict when Elijah will get a croup episode. I can tell by his breathing and cold symptoms, which are usually a cough, sneezing and/or a runny nose. I suppose I did notice one tiny little cough come out of Elijah's mouth Wednesday night before bed, but other than that he showed no signs that croup was about to happen.

At his standard time to start stridor, 9:00, we heard that he was crying and having a hard time breathing over the baby monitor. Dan took him outside for a bit and then we did oral steroids and an epi neb and put him back to bed.

He has had just a teeny tiny cough since then, but nothing significant. No sleep has been lost and his lungs don't seem to be affected at all. Our experiences with croup this year are on a whole different level than they were last year. Last year, every sickness was a major deal. This year, every sickness has been extremely minor. I don't know if we can thank his pneumococcal booster (that he got last summer) for this reprieve or maybe Elijah is just getting the break he deserves, but we will take it! What a nice change of pace.

So, Elijah is doing great. We are enjoying our holiday weekend as a family. We have some fun things to share in the next couple days. Thanks for checking in on our monkey!


Cecilia said...

Your little man is doing great this year, he deserves a long break from sickness.

Have a fun-filled weekend!

Tracy said...

So great!!! Enjoy your long weekend!! Take care ... xo.

mina said...

Yay for no repeat of last year! A lot of kids outgrow their crouping tendencies as they get older. Hoping Elijah continues to head that way!

cindy said...

Yay! So glad things didn't turn into a major sicky thing! He sure is deserving of the break!

That picture is funny! Looks like you have such a big boy on your lap! What happened to that baby, and why are all the babies turning into big kids?

Lots of love,
