Monday, November 2, 2009

Still photoless

I have been so bad about taking pictures lately (there is a reason for that...I will explain at a later date), and I always feel bad publishing photoless posts. Our computer has also been out of commission, so that's another reason why we have been fairly absent.

Will you pray with us this week for another HEALTHY week for Elijah? His heart cath is a week from today, so his health is very important leading up to that. I really hate to wish time away, but I am eager to be beyond November 9th. Sometimes I wish they would spring hospitalizations/procedures on us so we wouldn't have time to worry.

We didn't really celebrate Halloween this year, aside from eating a ton of candy and treats (and continuing to do so). I think Elijah is still too young to enjoy it and I was getting tired of buying $20+ costumes that he wore for three minutes. Next year!

Elijah is doing great! We are SO THANKFUL for his good health lately. He never showed a single symptom from being exposed to the flu a few weeks ago (thank you, Tamiflu). He is talking more and more every day and he is showing a ton of interest in walking. We're at least a couple months away from full-fledged independent walking, but it is so nice to see this new confidence that he has.

I'll end for now with a funny story from last night. I was sitting in the chair in Elijah's room with him before bed and he had his head resting on my shoulder. In the middle of saying prayers he started fake snoring. I said, "What are you doing, silly?" and he laughed like a crazy man and kept doing it. I love this age. It's so much fun!


Unknown said...

Your right about being to young I think he will really enjoy Trcik Or Treating next year.

We will continue to pray for him to stay healthy.

He is so cute fake snoring already.
I can see him know running all over the place what a little ball of energy.
Elijah is such a precious little boy.

Tina:0) said...

This age IS so much fun, isn't it?! They are just in discovery mode all the time & I love to see the revelation in their eyes:0)

Know that we are praying for Mr.Elijah to remain healthy & come through this cath with flying colors!! Give him big hugs from us!

mina said...

Sure do miss the pics, but what a blessing that Elijah is doing well! Prayers for no sickies right up to the cath; I know you'll be relieved to have that behind you.

Kathy said...

SICKIES stay away from Mr. E...
(and I waved my magic wand your way too)

that should do it.

We kept our halloween kind of low key this year...
nothing wrong with that...
and you SHOULD still be eating candy.
(I still have candy on the fridge from last you know how often I DON"T clean)

hope you guys have a good week!

jennifer said...

Your little man is so cute! I love to hear about his silly side! I will definitely send prayers your way regarding his health. I hope you'll have a wonderful week!

Wendy said...

Hi Megan,

I'm so glad to hear that Elijah is staying well. And I will certainly be keeping your little man in my prayers in regards to his heart cath next week.

I loved the fireplace picture....he looks so happy in there! Silly boy! :) And I love hearing about his snoring act, too! Emma does the same thing...and adds a "me, me, me" to the end. I'm trying to figure out which TV show she's gotten that from! Ha!

I am so thrilled to hear that Elijah is taking some independent steps between you guys! Woo-Hoo!!! I was just watching videos of when Emma started that....she started in September and by December we weren't using her walker anymore. So look out! Here comes Elijah!!! :)

It's awesome to share in Elijah's journey with you. He's made such progress...what an amazing little boy!

Take care, and know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.

Lots of Love,

Wendy (& Emma, too!)

Cecilia said...

I hope you can make some videos of Elijah's fake snoring, can't wait to see it!!!

Sending our blessings and prayers your way.

Hope your week is great!

jencooper said...

Sickies Sickies stay away!!! (I am singing that just so you know.)

Great job on the interest in walking!! He is going to be everywhere before you know it.

Keep on eating that candy! :)
