Friday, November 20, 2009

I love you, Friday.

Because I'm a slacker (or maybe just because this week has been crazy), here is an old photo of Elijah, taken in May 2008, a few weeks after open heart surgery #2.

This first paragraph is for my dad..

A few weeks ago, Dan had a baseball game on tv and Elijah nonchalantly looked at the screen and said, "baseball." Uhh, how in the world..? Last week basketball was on and we heard Elijah say, "bashetball." Again, what?? Then last night, football was on and he said what sounded exactly like, "Super Bowl!" ???? I certainly haven't been schooling him in the different sports, and Dan claims he hasn't been either, so I have no idea how he acquired this knowledge. I think my dad and brother have been secretly chatting with him. I'm onto you guys.

We have always known that Elijah is a strong-willed (otherwise known as "stubborn") little man. I believe that his strong will has gotten him through his surgeries and recoveries and hospitalizations, so you won't find me complaining about it much. Except maybe a little bit recently. This kid has seriously STRONG WILL. The other day he was being naughty and swiped at me (he knows that this is very uncool), so Dan told him, "Please say 'sorry' to Mama." Elijah, knowing how to say "sorry," made the sign language sign for it and refused to speak it to me. Dan asked again and he continued to refuse. FIVE TIMEOUTS LATER, I got a "Sorry, Mama," and a hug.

A quick funny thing from our week.. I discovered two indicators that let me know one of our cars is very old and noisy: 1) The driver's door no longer latches when it's cold, so I have to hold it closed with one hand as I drive with the other. (Super safe, I know. At least it latches once it warms up.) 2) Elijah sits in the back seat and yells, "SQQQuuuuuueeeeeeeeeaaaaAAAKKKKkkkkk!" as he tries to copy the noise the car is making.

His cold got a tiny bit worse this week, but I think it's already turning around. Nothing to worry about, thankfully! This weekend involves NO PLANS for us, which is sweet sweet music to my ears. This week was the busiest week (work and otherwise) I have had in a very long time, so nothingness is extremely welcome. I don't mind fast-paced, but I'm too old for crazy-paced!

More later...and pics, too! Have a great weekend!


mina said...

Elijah says and does the funniest stuff! He's too cute!

Kerry Tylenda-Emmons said...

Look at his curly hair!!! So cute!

Cecilia said...

I love and enjoy reading your blog because your little man is super cute and funny!

Hope Elijah's cold will improve soon.

You guys have a NO-PLAN but nice weekend!

Lots of love xoxo

Tina:0) said...

Oh, my how much he's grown since then! And those curls... just love 'em!

Sounds like being on the same page in the calendar isn't the only thing Elijah & Vaeh have in common! They must have been cut from the same piece of "strong-willed" cloth! Vaeh does the very same thing when it comes to saying sorry. She nearly refuses to do it. I must say that she is getting better about it as she gets older. She amazed me the other day by telling Gabby 'sorry' without being asked to! I love progress:0)

Hope your "no plans" weekend is restful! Can't wait to see updated pics!

Kathy said...

Tell Dan to put some liquid nail inside the door frame...that'll keep it closed! Then, you can do the Dukes of Hazard thing and crawl through the window!

That little Elijah...he's so stinkin' smart! At least he understands you...I'm still not sure Isaac speaks English...maybe we should try Spanish??

Have a fun weekend!