Thursday, November 26, 2009

Lots and lots and lots of thanks!

We had a couple foam mattresses lying on the floor in Elijah's bedroom for a few days a couple weeks ago. Every night when I would go in to check on him before I went to sleep, I would have to step around and over the mattresses, tripping and making extra noise and just being annoyed in general. I would walk into his half-dark bedroom and think, Oh yeah, gotta do my obstacle course over and around the mattress mountains again, ugh. We only had them in there for about a week before we gave them back to the very nice friends who loaned them to Dan for his hunting weekend.

The first couple nights after we had given them back, I couldn't believe how easy it was to check on Elijah before going to bed. There was nothing in the way! I could just walk straight to his bed...four little steps...and it was so easy and simple and quiet and...EASY!

If I hadn't experienced the mattress obstacle course that made my journey to Elijah's bed a little bit challenging for a week, I never would have appreciated the simple act of being able to walk straight to his bed to give him one last pat good night. My perspective had changed. Even now, a few weeks later, I still think about how wonderful it is not to have to climb over an obstacle course when I walk into his room.

I know that is such a simple example of how challenges can change perspectives, but I think of the bigger picture every time I check on Elijah at night now. I think constantly about how much our perspectives (big and small) have changed over the past few years.

This past year has been WONDERFUL, AMAZING, AWESOME. It has been one of the best years of my life, even despite a spinal cord surgery for my little boy and many bouts of croup and sickness (and even despite last night's croup episode). Had we not had the opportunity to experience the challenges we experienced in the previous three years, I don't know that I would have considered 2009 one of the best of my life. It's hard to know that for sure, but I think that is a pretty fair guess. What I do know for sure is that 2009 HAS been wonderful and that I am one very thankful person.

I am thankful that we have been given the opportunity to grow in this way and to see life through a different perspective. I am thankful for the "obstacle courses" we have had to get through because it makes our current path seem so nice and easy. I am thankful that Elijah went A WHOLE YEAR without intervention on his heart! I am thankful that his next open heart surgery is not on the horizon like we (and the doctors) thought it would be at this point. I am thankful that we have a happy little boy filled with tons of spunk and energy. I am thankful that Elijah's speech has blown us away in the past few months. I am thankful that I still have a good job and that Dan was able to work a lot last summer. I am thankful that Elijah has grandparents who love him dearly. I am thankful that we have a warm, cozy house to live in and two (old, yet) reliable cars to drive. I am thankful that we have chosen to become closer to God over the past few years instead of push Him away. I am thankful for my patient, loyal and wonderful husband. I am thankful for Elijah's wonderful daycare provider and for the great things daycare in general has done for him. I am thankful for the outstanding medical benefits I receive for our family through my job. I am thankful for all of Elijah's amazing therapists and doctors. I am thankful for this blog and for the friendships I have found through it. I am thankful for my heart moms/dads who walk the crazy heart journey along with us. I am thankful for Elijah's steadfastness (is that a word?) and his amazing strength and, yes, even his strong will.

I am thankful for such an outstanding year! I could not possibly feel more blessed right now.

HAPPY THANKSGIVING, everyone! I hope you all have a safe, thankful, wonderful holiday.

1 comment:

Cecilia said...

Thank you for sharing Elijah's wonderful and touching heart journey with us!

Happy Thanksgiving!