Thursday, June 2, 2011


I haven't updated our little blog recently for several reasons. The first reason is a good one! We are owners of a new (used, but very awesome and livable) trailer at the dropzone! The dropzone is a getaway place for all of us (except for Dan during working hours), so I tend to not bring my computer or "work" of any kind out there with me. Here are Elijah and Sammy enjoying their first lunch in our second "home!"

Elijah LOVES our trailer. We stayed in it for two nights over the long weekend and since returning home we have heard him say, "Go dwopzone? Go to new tway-er?" somewhere around 500 times.

Another reason I haven't written much lately is because when I'm not working or caring for boys, I have been sleeping! No, I'm not pregnant. :) I feel like I have finally reached the point of being emotionally and otherwise exhausted. Hopefully I can feel somewhat caught up by next Friday.

And the most obvious reason...there are a lot of emotions surrounding this time that I am honestly just tired of dealing with. I'm tired of crying and worrying and being a mess. I want to get past this surgery, but more than that I want to run backwards up my calendar. I know, people go through this, or worse, all the time. Something I've learned, though, is that that doesn't make my feelings any less real.

Sammy's first birthday is on Saturday and I'm doing my best to make sure it is a fun day. I cannot believe our little munchkin will be one already! What the heck happened to that time? Sam has been such a chubby ball of sunshine for us. The way he shovels food into his mouth by the fistful and the way he clacks his tongue and then does his cute squinty smile-laugh and the way he has to find a ball (BAA!) in every room we enter and the way he nuzzles his entire body into my lap and sucks his left thumb when he's tired...all of it makes me smile and feel so grateful! I love that little boy!

We plan to spend more time in our new "tway-er" this weekend, so you may not hear from us until next week...THE WEEK! Yikes!


jencooper said...

He is already one??? That doesn't seem possible!!

I am with you on the feelings. The closer the 28th looms on the calendar....the more I dread it and the emotions come closer to the surface. Add to that pregnancy hormones and the fact that my temperature gage in my car today said 101.....ugh.

We are thinking such good thoughts and lifting lots of prayers up for you.

We love you guys.

Sarah said...

Thinking of you all often & lifting up a prayer each time. Big hugs...

Cecilia said...

Enjoy the weekend in your new "twayer"!!!

Anonymous said...

Good grief, 1 already! I hope that you have a fantastic weekend at the new digs. We're praying for peace and freedom from yucky anxiety. xoxox
Ann M. and Paul