Saturday, June 11, 2011

OHS #3 day #2

So long to the Sweet Elijah. Oh my, has he been a crabby guy today. Not that I blame him one bit. Lots of talking back, asking to go home repeatedly, telling anyone who says anything at all, "DON'T SAY IT!" and swiping at Mommy. He has been fighting sleep all day and just finally fell asleep. I sent Dan down to our room at the Ronald McDonald house on the floor below us so he could nap, too. So I have time to upload photos!!

On our way to the hospital yesterday..

He wasn't happy about having to stop playing before surgery..

Immediately following surgery. Honestly, this is the best he has ever looked after surgery before. I think he looked absolutely wonderful! You know, considering what he'd been through.

Getting some Mama love.

After his successful and drama-free extubation! He still has the canula in his nose, providing him with oxygen as he recuperates.

Surrounded by his animal friends (all of these plus a few sleep with him in his bed at home every night).

I think his animals help to make him feel secure.

I took this photo about 20 minutes ago. He is already sitting up in bed, eating graham crackers and drinking juice! We are so excited about his amazing recovery so far.


Cecilia said...

Sending you guys our love, hugs to you all!

We wish Elijah a speedy recovery!!!

Victoria Nelson said...

Sending lots of love, hugs, and prayers your way, you guys. Elijah looks so cute, even after major heart surgery, he is still able to shine like the star that he is.
Lots of love,

Paula Weiss said...

I wish I could be "monkey" and just hug on him awhile. So glad it's continued to go so well. You'll be home as a family before you know it!
Love you!

Heidi said...

So glad all is going well. Thinking of you!

Sarah said...

Looking great little guy! Evan would agree with him... He was very annoyed with talking - he would look at me & do this hand signal & I was supposed to ask whoever was talking to stop (he did ask me to do this)!