Sunday, April 6, 2008


We finally saw the cardiologist (it was a busy morning there) and he said that he saw what he wanted to as far as Elijah's Sat's over the last 12-15 hours. Since they were relatively good (mid 60's) while he was totally at rest and his hemoglobin was right where it should be Dr. Wright saw no need to move up the surgery date or keep us there. So we're back resting at home and surgery is back on for the 15th.

Thanks again for the support and prayer.

Momma will write more details later, she's taking the first nap shift (wouldn't you know it, Elijah waited to have his worst up-the-back poop ever during Mommy's snooze, a couple diapers, a few hundred wipes, a quick bath and a thrown out onesie later I think we have it under control...gross).


ThePicks said...

hooray, you guys got to come home. What a relief about his oxygen leveling out a bit. Hope you guys get some good naps in today!

The RA

Anonymous said...

So happy you are back at home now. I hope you get some rest, as difficult as it may be right now.

Thanks so much for keeping the site updated so we know what is going on.

Mucho, mucho prayers keep coming your way,


Samantha said...

Wonderful news! You see, prayers do work!

I will check back in on you guys soon...Dan...way to go on the diaper change...Jonathan actually will wake me up to come and take care of poopies like that...what a wonder hubby you are!

Love you guys!

Andrea said...

Yay! Glad you're home. Take care of each other in the coming days. You've been under a LOT of stress.
Heart Hugs,

Kathy said...

Glad to hear that you guys are home!!!
Dan...what an awesome dad you are..Joe would have woken me up for that one!!!
We hope you all get rest.
Thanks for keeping us updated!
Lots of love,

Anonymous said...

How great is that! Glad mommy is getting some rest! Sounds like she needs it!! Hope the little guy has an easier road to the 15th now!!


Sarah said...

Hope that you guys can get some much needed rest and at home time this week. Will continue to pray!