Friday, April 3, 2009

Command V (or control V for windows users)

Last night was a really really good night. I'd like to copy and paste it onto every night for the entire month of April. Elijah did extremely well at PT/speech therapy. There were no tears for the first time in a very long time, he didn't protest anything, he used the walker willingly, he imitated sounds. I couldn't believe it! His therapists asked me where I put the real Elijah. We got home and the three of us had dinner together. There was no screaming and there were no timeouts. After dinner we played, watching a little Veggie Tales, read books, and Elijah went to bed like an angel (nothing new there). It was a good night.

At dinner I gave Elijah a bowl of sliced bananas after he gobbled down his spaghettios, veggies and oranges. I saw him moving his fingers around each other and then pointing at the bananas. He did it a few times before I realized what he was doing. He was doing the sign for BANANA! This is one of the more difficult signs we have taught him, and we haven't actually done the sign in ages, so again, the kid is messing with us big time.

Next Thursday Elijah will get molds taken of his legs and feet for his orthotics. I'm excited to get them made and on his little legs to see how it helps with his walking. He is making such great strides lately. I can practically taste having a child who can walk independently.

We don't have any plans set in stone for our weekend, which is a welcome change of pace for us. Have a great weekend and thanks for checking in on our monkey!


Cecilia said...

Oh I am really proud of Elijah, he is making such a great progress in everything lately. He is a very smart kid for I can see wisdom in his big eyes.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Lots of love ang hugs xoxo

mina said...

Aww, what a great day! I'm with you with the 'copy and paste' thing!

Tina:0) said...

Go Elijah!!! What great news that he's doing so well:0) I can't wait to see video of him walking:0)!!

Let me know if you figure out how to do copy/paste thing! I'd love to do that here, too!

Enjoy your plan free weekend!


Yeahhh Elijah!