Elijah's heart cath starts at 7:45 tomorrow morning. I don't think I'm going to bring our computer to the hospital, but I will make a few tweets throughout the day. If you would like to know how things are going before we get home (tomorrow night? Tuesday?), you can follow us there. We would truly appreciate any prayers you would be willing to send up for a smooth heart cath. Thank you!
I've been thinking about you guys...knowing this was coming soon!
I am all about praying for this little one! Please give him the biggest squeeze...from the stranger on the other side of the screen. ;0)
*We've been enjoying the weather as well! Our neighbor is ALL over hanging his Christmas lights!!*
Yes! I will be praying! I'm so glad you guys got to be outside this weekend. I love days that are unexpectedly warm and sunny!
love, Jesse
You know it! Good luck tomorrow!!
Of course we will pray for Mr. E....
he looks like he's in heaven...just sitting in that dirt!! (he's all boy..huh?)
Hug him tight for us!!!
and I hope that you get SOME kind of sleep tonight!
Love the sunny day pics!
Lots of prayers coming your way for Elijah's cath tomorrow.
You can count on many prayers from us!
the Yoders
Those are fantastic photos! Elijah is always so cute and photogenic. What a sweetie. We'll be thinking about you tomorrow and of course praying for an "uneventful" day and good results!
Amy, Mitch and Wilson
GREAT pics!! Pretty easy to get with such an adorable subject, I'm sure;0)
Know that we're praying for smooth sailing tomorrow, too! Add our hugs in with everyone else's!!
Forgot to mention... I just LOVE the pics of him looking up at his hair! He's just the cutest!
You and Elijah are in my prayers.
I love the pictures. Elijah looks so animated! :)
Will be thinking of you both tomorrow.
Love those pictures of Elijah, he is so cute and adorable!!!
Will be thinking of you all today, good luck to your little man's heart cath!
Sending our love and blessings your way! xoxo
I'm praying!
Thinking of you guys and praying that all goes well this morning...give that brave, sweet boy a big hug from us!
Lots of Love,
Wendy (& Emma, too!)
I'll be thinking of you guys and saying some prayers.
Love your outside pics ... he's so cute!!
We are saying lots of prayers for Mr. E!! I hope that it is going well right now.
Thanks for a picture fix! He is seriously adorable!! I want to smooch him!
Thinking of you all and sending prayers your way for a smooth cath and good results. Happy to see you got to spend some time outside yesterday!
Thinking of you guys today and praying all goes well.
wishing you guys the very best, luv, kendis
You are always in our prayers..
I just love the pictures of him in the sand he has no texture problems at all thats great.
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