Friday, June 25, 2010

Thank you, Samson, for letting me write a quick post!

Every time I sit down to write a post, Sam lets me know that he dictates what goes on in this house! This week has brought more fussiness from our little man. During the day, he does not like to be anywhere but in my arms. If he were our only child and I never had anything to do, that would work out great! We are lucky, though, that he sleeps really well at night. He is still eating every three hours around the clock, but his feedings are a piece of cake.

This week has also brought on a bit of the baby blues for me. I think the nursing fiasco set it in motion and then seeing a huge decrease in the time I'm able to spend with Elijah has made it worse. I got news this week that I have to go back to work sooner than I was planning and that has caused a good deal of tears, as well.

Overall, life is really good and I have nothing to complain about. My boys are wonderful and happy and healthy and I am reminded every single day what an amazing husband I have.

Today is Friday and that means we won't be seeing Dan for a few days. Who ever thought I would be looking forward to Mondays?? We miss him so much when he is working! Thanks for checking in on us. I will try to get another update up this weekend. If Sam allows! :)

Oh, here's a quick Elijah funny. He loves playing with our coasters that we have on the table in our living room. He calls them his "roller coasters." Silly boy.


ThePicks said...

Oh my goodness - what an adorable picture of Samson! He is just soo darn cute!!! Love how he's relaxing in the picture; reminds me of his older brother!!!

Sending lots of love your way!
-The RA

The Willaerts said...

Sending lots of love and prayers your way! They both are so precious. I love your blog!
Love ya,

Cecilia said...

Thinking of you and sending our love your way.

What a cute little man!!!

Have a great weekend!

jencooper said...

Wow....he looks so much like Elijah in that picture!

Have a wonderful weekend. Hang in there!!