Intermission....cute cute Sammy...
He's so stinkin' sweet. We love this little boy to pieces. He is SO ATTACHED to Dan and me. It is good and bad. Good when he is wrapping his chubby arms around our necks, but bad when we have to leave him at daycare. :( Or leave him in another room. He is only happy when he is in our arms.
Intermission done.
I have never in my life experienced such intense emotion. The months leading up to surgery were insane. The anxiety was indescribable. Then, surgery happened, and it was a breeze compared to our last two times. And then we got home and.....what the heck?! I didn't know what to feel. My tanks (emotional, physical, mental, everything, etc.) were on empty, so I (not speaking for hubby) have been doing the bare minimum. Care for children, shower and get dressed, be a good wife, eat food..
We have been spending some time at the dropzone, which has been very therapeutic for me (and I hope for all of us) but at the same time it has made us all tired just because we're not sleeping in our own beds. I feel like we are on a path toward peace, but we aren't quite there. This is a tough road. One that cannot be explained unless you have been through it.
Thanks for checking in on us. We appreciate and love you all so much!
I understand that its a tough road because I've through it before, you and Dan will be fine ...
Hugs and love to you all xoxo
Megan...with each post you write, I feel like I SO "get it". I do and I feel like I lived where you are for longer than a minute. The thoughts I have are: honor where you are. Don't fight it...don't expect more of yourself. Realize it's a "season" *however long that may be ;0)* and be SUPER kind to yourself as you process and recover.
It's normal. *of course it is because I have experienced it ;0)*
Hang in there friend...I have read EVERY post!
Praying & sending you a hug. Your right... most don't get it. They think it's over & he did great so whats wrong with you. I came back to work 4 weeks post op & my hard time continued. Just give yourself time to feel & heal.
Heart surgery is so exhausting - not only for our sweet little guys, but also for the the parents. I am convinced that it takes months and months, if not half a year, to recover from the stress of the surgery. I feel like I am just now getting my head above water and it's been 6 months since Field's surgery. Oh and I have the third surgery still looming over me. Ugh!
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