Tuesday, September 15, 2009


I just found out that my 10-year-old niece, Emma, has been diagnosed with the H1N1 virus. It sounds like she is on the road to recovery and doing fine. Get better quickly, Emma! We love you!

Now, I know that this whole swine flu thing has involved a lot of hype and freak-out tactics from the media, but I am worried. Thousands and thousands of people die from the "regular" flu every year, but do you know who that typically involves? Children (and elderly people) who do not get a flu shot and who have underlying medical conditions. As we wait for the H1N1 vaccination to be released, Elijah fits into that very description.

This stupid swine flu is a huge black cloud hanging over my life right now. Dan and I have always strongly believed that keeping Elijah in a bubble is not the way we want to live. We have always been careful with hand washing and hygiene, but we typically don't avoid public places out of a fear of germs.

I just don't know if I should be as scared as I am about all of this. I have no idea how Elijah's body, already working extra hard and already so susceptible to illness, would handle this virus if he were to catch it.

We heard yesterday that the H1N1 vaccinations won't be ready for distribution until the end of November. Now that the virus is much more widespread and now that flu season is basically here, should we keep Elijah out of daycare until then? Should we avoid church? Should I cancel our trip we plan to be taking on an airplane in a few weeks? Should we keep from bringing him to the grocery store? Or do we go on living our lives like we always have and pray that everything will be ok? These are questions I ask myself about every 30 seconds.


mina said...

It is a real fear, but honestly you ca get exposed anywhere. Unless you intend to keep Elijah in a bubble all winter I don't know how you can be sure he won't be exposed. I diagnosed several cases this past weekend. Yuck!

I just hope and pray that your baby stays safe this winter.

Kathy said...

Same boat mama.
You're doing everything that I do with Isaac...ok, you're a bit more adventurous..but, still...go to Target and the grocery store. I fly all the time with Isaac.

Hey...I got a letter that Isaac's getting approved for synagis again this year. Can you believe that?? (I bet insurance won't cover it though).

We could make them fancy masks??

hug that peanut tight for me!

jennifer said...

I was thinking the same thing as Kathy--wear masks! Well, at least when in the airport and airplane. With Elijah's susceptibility to developing croup in addition to his heart condition, I can totally see why you are so concerned. I suppose it's up to each parent to decide what is best for their child. I am taking a risk this year and allowing Justin to go to group therapy 2 times a week. Our ped is against it, and our cardiology said, "Go for it!" So, see, the doctors don't even agree on the best route...and, like you, I don't want Justin to be living in a bubble either. I carry lysol wipes and wet ones every where in addition to the hand sanitizer. I wipe down everything, and try not to go to super crowded places where I can't keep my distance if need be. I don't take Justin to church anymore--too many coughies. I'll take him to the grocery store because it's not too crowded. In any case, I just pray that he'll be alright...like Mina said, he can get exposed anywhere. Sorry for the long comment with no solution. Give Elijah a hug for me!

Cecilia said...

Wear a mask is one of the solutions when you fly or go to super crowded places. People in most of the Asian countries like Japan, Hong Kong, China and Korea wear masks when they use the public transportation.

Its also a very good idea to carry anti-bacterial hand wash gel or spray whenever you go out.

You can't be too careful to keep Elijah in a bubble all winter but you still have to live and play safely especially with Elijah's medical history.

Wishing your niece Emma a speedy recovery!

Big hug to you and Elijah from us! xoxo

Unknown said...

I feel the same way as you, I do avoid a lot of places, I dont take him to Church, alot of shopping I do on the weekend when Richard can watch him and I am very scraed when winter comes around. But we can not live in fear of this. All we/I can do is take our vitamins practice good hand washing and always use sanitizer. Just take every precaution we can. Try to not get to stressed out about it.

Praying for a speedy recover for your Niece.

Ehlan said...

wow, that is tough Megan! I worry about H1N1, and I certainly don't have the need for concern like you do. We'll be praying for your niece, and Elijah to stay healthy!

The Smith's said...

I know we've said it before ... but I feel like God puts a lot of the same things on our hearts at the same time! I was JUST typing a new post about the flu season when I read yours. One thing that did help me was to talk with our cardiologist. I told him how fearful I was of Luke getting the flu, I asked if he was higher risk, what could be worst-case scenarios ... those kind of questions. I needed to talk through it with him. He doesn't have a formula for us to not get sick, but it helped anyway to hear him say he had confidence that Luke would come through it okay. I hate, hate, hate worrying so much about Luke getting sick, so I know exactly how you feel. Praying for peace for all these heart families and protection from sickness for all our heart babes!


Anonymous said...

The vaccine isn't always good either, in the 70's when the swine flue hit, people were paralyzed (some recovered, some did not) and the government had to stop giving the vaccine. Eeeeks! Flu or the shot, not sure which is worse! No matter what, Elijah will triumph! Fear is such a powerful emotion, isn't it? It can keep us up at night, raise our blood pressure and change our whole world. Always thinking of you and your sweet family....Luv, Kendis