After he takes everything off the shelves, he either opens boxes of crackers/cookies/cereal and starts devouring them, or he builds towers.
His new way of eating yogurt is scooping it out while holding the container horizontally. And apparently having a finger up his nose.
Watching a little "Eet" while wearing his new winter hat and mittens.
Elijah walking in his walker with the ice cream cone hanging out his mouth is HILARIOUS! Mike gave him a big thumbs up!
I see he is a big multi-tasker!! That takes a lot of talent. Eating and picking nose - eating and walking. That is too funny!
It is official ... I love this boy!
All I can ever say when I see his pictures is, "SO CUTE!" I love how he helps you organize the pantry, so helpful, he is! Justin would do the same, and then dump some food on the ground and eat it. I think you're right, our boys would have a blast together! LOL
Oh what a fun age he is at. That is to funny using the walker with and ice cream cone in his mouth that boy has talent.
I just love all of the photos he is to cute for words.
Yeah your little man is too cute for words!!!
I love all of the pictures especially the one walking and eating at the same time, how adorable and cute!
That kiddo just cracks me up!
and you don't have to pose him for these pics...this is how he is all the time?? gosh. I'd need some Depend undergarments...i'd pee in my pants laughing so hard at him all day!!!
what a cutie!
How's he doing in that walker??
I'm DYING to get ours!!! Slow pokers here!
Ugh. I am totally frustrated! I can read your blog at school, but can't sign in to comment. I can sign in at home, but for some reason my computer doesn't like your blog. Crazy! And frustrating! I read everday so don't give up on me.
That boy is all kinds of cuteness!! He is so flipping adorable!!
he is too cute. I love his pantry antics. :)
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