Friday, November 14, 2008

Progress, sweet progress

I am so happy to report that this was one of Elijah's best weeks ever as far as development and health go. YAY!

He is pulling himself up into a kneeling position now. A week ago at physical therapy, he totally refused to be put into a kneeling position. Now he is eager to do it and he is doing it often. He likes to scoot over to the stairs and pull himself up and play with his toys as he kneels at the bottom of them. On Sunday, when he first started doing it, he was a little wobbly, but the wobbliness is already gone! This must be really helping his core muscles to get stronger quickly.

He is finally willing to move between rooms on his own, which is something he didn't seem to know was possible a short time ago. For the past few days he has been all over the place. He scoots into the kitchen and checks out all the cupboards. Then he scoots into the dining room to play trucks underneath the table/chairs. Then it's back to the living room to check some things out in there. Then it's over to the stairs to kneel for a bit.

This week, for the first time in Elijah's life, he went to daycare every single day! He did great! Not too much fussiness, ate well, napped ok and stayed healthy. The most exciting part for me is that he has started interacting with the other kids a bit more. This makes me so happy!

Another new development is that he has started coloring (well, scribbling). We have paper and crayons all over the house and he seems to be drawn to them whenever he sees them. I get really excited when he does it because we have been working with him on this for a while now. So when he does it, he looks at me like, I'm pretty cool, huh, Mama? I do my clapping and excited yelling and then he looks back down and keeps coloring.

Elijah's physical therapists and speech therapist were amazed at his progress in the past week. It is crazy how quickly he can develop when everything in his mind and body are aligned like they seem to be right now. There were many times this week when I would watch him blossom before my eyes and I would take a moment to appreciate it. To appreciate him, and his strength. To just soak it in and sincerely thank God for where we are at right now. God has been so faithful and good to us.


Mami Adame said...

Yay for Elijah's sweet progress! Those are the days we live for aren't they?

Kathy said...'re melting my heart!

How smart is he?? coloring..seriuosly?? Are you using regular crayons...or those fat little round ones they have out now? I think Isaac would just eat them. (and the paper).

I bet Elijah is trying to head up the stairs before Christmas!!! (Take a poll!)

Have fun with your men this weekend!!!

sending our love,

Anonymous said...

Yay! I'm so glad to hear that Elijah had such a great week! I'm sure he is the dolly of his daycare!
How sweet of Dan to get a bath all ready for you! That is a great idea-I took a bath on our honeymoon for the first time in about 3 years. It was glorious. We're glad to hear Dan got a deer, have a great weeekned, and we were thinking about a triva-fest soon!
Ann Marie

Anonymous said...

Yay, Elijah! I'm so happy that he's mobile. Now, the real fun begins, Elijah!

It's funny how he probably thinks it's just another day's work, and you're super excited about it. That look must be priceless.

Keep up the good work, Portas!

my life: said...

You are such a good momma...I totally got what you were saying in your comment on "brave" :0)

Let us not be so surprised at your miracle of a boy! From a mom with a little ALWAYS expect more from the first, so if you add heart issues...and a few delays...I can only imagine the concern. You can see it in his eyes will all come around. :0) Give him big kisses from the crazy lady in IN!!!

mina said...

Wonderful to hear about all the progress Elijah is making, and making Mommy happy at the same time. He really is such a blessing!

ThePicks said...

Way to go Elijah!!! We're soo proud of you =) You'll be raising chaos around the house in no time!! Hooray, weekend; hope you guys have a good one. We're happy to finally see some sunshine =)
The RA

Samantha said...

YAY!!! Elijah you are AMAZING! What a great boy you are. I am so proud of you and how you are growing up and doing so well. I love reading posts like this Megan! I hope you are having a great weekend!!!

Love ya!

jencooper said...

Elijah - you are an amazing little boy!!! I am so very proud of you!!

Isn't God amazing?

Keep up the incredible work buddy!!


Andrea said...

Sounds like you had an awesome week! I'm so glad Elijah is making so much progress and you are all in a good place right now. Yay!

Tracy said...

That IS exciting! Yay for Elijah!

likeschocolate said...

I just came across your blog. I am also a mom of a TOF baby. Anyway, I wanted to let you know that our son also had his surgery on May 25. 07. I am glad your son it ok. Thanks for sharing your story. Roman's mom