Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Recovering on the third floor

We are on the third floor in our penthouse suite taking turns holding Elijah so that he doesn't bend his leg too much. He has already drank two juice boxes and he has eaten a grilled cheese sandwich, a container of yogurt and a half of a banana. He's a bottomless pit! He is pretty crabby and tired, understandably so. Right now Dan is holding him while he watches Elmo on tv.

He did GREAT during the cath! He was a little star, as usual. The cath took four and a half hours! That is the longest it has ever taken. Dr. G spent an hour and a half trying to coil ONE collateral artery, unsuccessfully. Everything else he wanted to do, he was able to get done. He ballooned the existing stent that was put in his right pulmonary artery during his last surgery. He also coiled off a few collaterals that were supplying duplicate bloodflow. The collateral that he wasn't able to reach isn't an immediate concern. We will need to keep an eye on it and we can possibly wait (hopefully) till Elijah's next open heart surgery to address it.

Dr. G thinks his next open heart will take place in "a couple years." Not the most ideal answer, but it could certainly be worse. Elijah will unfortunately need more heart caths before that happens. Again, not ideal, but it could be worse.

The pressures in his heart are "ok." Not good, not bad, just ok. His heart function looks great. His oxygen sats are great. He is doing really well. Getting sleep tonight for any of us will be an enormous challenge, but we'll do our best. We will get to leave in the morning, hopefully early.

There is one cute thing I want to share before I go gobble down a sandwich. The nurse who was taking care of Elijah post-op told us that she thinks that Elijah is Dr. G's "special one." Apparently he came back in to check on him a few extra times after the cath and he said, "Hey buddy! You're my special buddy." Awwww, I love it!

Good night everyone. I hope you all have fabulous holiday plans and that you have a fun, safe weekend! Thanks for checking in on our little monkey man.


Samantha said...

What a relief! Way to go Elijah! I am so proud of you!

Megan and Dan...try to get some sleep, but I know that is close to impossible :(

Much love!!!

Jane said...

This is good news, thank God. We'll be thinking of you guys...

my life: said...

Where have I been???? Oh my! I'm glad all has gone well...snuggle him up for me!!! Praying for rest...for everyone. :0)

Tina:0) said...

I'm soooo sorry!!! I lost my head & just now have sat down to check in on the little man! Bad for me:0(!

I'm so glad that everything went well. Sounds like Elijah's taking after Vaeh in the difficult cath procedures!! Although he still has a couple of hours to catch up for the longest cath lab visit (Vaeh's longest thus far is 6 hours!)

How wonderful he's eating so well & coming out of it without much difficulty other than having to have gone through it! I'm dreading Vaeh's next one (January sometime)... she'll really be able to know that something not so fun is coming:0(

Hope you all get home early & can have some good snuggle time tomorrow! Give that trooper big hugs from us!!

Kathy said...

ROCKSTAR indeed!

hope your little bottomless pit sleeps well tonight...and you ALL go home early and nap your day away!!!

mina said...

What a tough little guy, and what an appetite! Maybe he's a stress eater like my husband (hah!). after all, grilled cheese IS comfort food. Good to know the cath was, for the large part, successful. I hope you all get some rest tonight and get to enjoy Thanksgiving at home tomorrow

Anonymous said...

So glad everything went well today and you're all just hanging out in your penthouse suite together! Hope you get out of there early tomorrow and have a nice Thanksgiving together AT HOME!

Give that boy a big hug from me!

Lots of love,

Anonymous said...

We are THANKFUL for the great medical care you receive, Elijah!
We are THANKFUL for your wonderful parents who love you so much!
We are THANKFUL that we can call you, Grandson!
Hugs to you this Thanksgiving!!
Love, Grammie P. and Grandpa

Anonymous said...

We are so happy to hear that Elijah did well. Enjoy a wonderful holiday; there is so much to be thankful for, particularly the health and well-being of your sweet boy, Elijah. Please give that him a big hug from us all!

Anonymous said...

Way to go you guys! Lots of hugs coming your way. Have a very thankful holiday. luv, Kendis

The Smith's said...

I was so glad to read that Elijah is doing well after his looong cath, eating and watching elmo :) I hope you guys are home already, enjoying your thanksgiving as a family! I am especially thankful today for heart families like yours that are so wonderful to connect with!

Jesse, Roger & Luke

Ehlan said...

Hey guys! Glad everything went well...I may have missed something previously, but was this planned? Hope you enjoy your turkey day and are able to get some rest!

TimnKatienElinSam said...

We have been thinking about you guys constantly!! I am glad things went so well and that you guys are going to get a break from surgery for awhile. We miss you guys! So much to be thankful for!!

the Yoders

Unknown said...

I am so sorry I've been extremely busy lately but so happy to hear the cath went good.

Hope you are all home and enjoying your Thanksgiving.

Much love,