Thursday, October 30, 2008

Crazy but good

This week has been totally crazy. I feel like we are still catching up from being sick and sleep-deprived while trying to fit other, extra things in as well. We had a mini-date night the other night (which was awesome, btw) and last night I got a haircut, and tonight we will bring Elijah to PT/ST and then go home and pack for our trip. Tomorrow my stepmom flies into town and we will all drive up north for the weekend for my cousin's wedding. It should be a really fun weekend. Elijah is super excited to see Grammie P.

While dealing with some chaos in the past few weeks, I decided that I need to do something, daily, that will help me to relax. So I started taking baths before bed. AAAHhhhhhhh, heaven! I've done this almost every night for about a week now and it helps me out so much. I have found that I look forward to this relaxing, quiet time all day long. Last night I got home kind of late after getting my hair cut, so I figured I might just go straight to bed, but Dan already had everything ready to go for me. He had the bath ready, complete with bubbles, candles, a TOTALLY CLEAN bathroom, my book, and even a glass of wine. My husband is awesome. He knows how much I need this. I'm so happy I discovered my beloved bath. I'll miss you this weekend, Bathy, and I'll see you again on Sunday night!

Elijah has been doing really well this week. His cold symptoms are practically gone. He has been extra clingy/whiny, but we are hoping that fades a bit now that he's starting to feel better. He hasn't been in daycare for two weeks, so that probably isn't helping him to know that he isn't the only human in the world worthy of Mommy and Daddy's attention.

Still no pics...I'm sorry! Maybe I'll find some time tonight in between getting things ready for the weekend. Grammie P, please don't judge us if our house isn't clean. Because, our house isn't clean!


Terri@SteelMagnolia said...

Dan is such a lovie ...

wow... a "Calgon Moment"... what fun...

my friend used to hang a box of Calgon from her bathroom when she was having her "moment"...

Maybe I should try that...
I just take showers...

I could go try to squeeze into Matt's tub w/ all his toys...
hee hee..

Glad you're all doing good.


Kathy said...

BATHS are the secret for SURE! I try to take one each night...and if I don't, I'll get up earlier and take one in the morning!

Dan is such a SWEETIE...I'm telling JOE!

Grammie P is going to get some good lovin' on Elijah this weekend. Have fun at the wedding. Hope he continues to improve...and he stops being so clingy!

love to you guys,

The Willaerts said...

Dan is a keeper! Does he give lessons?

Happy Halloween. Have fun this weekend!


Samantha said...

Seriously...DAN...PLEASE teach Jonathan how to be this nice to me. You are an amazing husband...Megan and you are the perfect couple! PERFECT!

I am so happy that you have found something that helps you Megan. That is wonderful and something we all need!

I am glad that the sickness seems to be fading and that things are turning around over there. I hope that you have a wonderful time at the wedding.

Much love, (from a very sick house in Texas)

Anonymous said...


First of all, I got my flu shot today! I thought of you (well, really I thought "uh-oh...I told Megan I was getting my flu shot last week and didn't do it so I better get my butt in gear!! :) )

The whole bath thing sounds wonderful and how sweet is Dan for even remembering the wine? Ah, romance....(Scott HATES it when I say that around him...I think it makes him feel inadequate! ;) )

Have a great trip and a wonderful weekend. Can't wait to see new pictures of that cute boy, so I hope some are coming soon!!

Lots of love,


Ann(ie) said...

That's a great way to decompress, girlie. I do that from time to time, too. We are such lucky girls to have the hubby's we do!!! Have a great weekend and I can't wait for pics! xo.

Unknown said...

Dan is such a good husband. Maybe he could teach Robert a thing or two. Dan if you read this, "YOUR AWESOME!"

I'm so happy Elijah's cold symptoms are almost gone. It's so hard when our babies are sick.

Hope you guys have a wonderful weekend.


Sarah said...

Just catching up on you guys. Sorry to hear you guys hadn't been feeling well and hope your feeling much better for your weekend w/ Grandma and the wedding. I've never been a bath girl... I LOVE my showers but... my new bathroom has this lovely bathtub with jets and I decided to try it out (wouldn't have been a sin not to?) and I too have found it to be just what I need at the end of the day. Another thing... we have us some good husbands, eh??? I've missed reading and I need some pic's of Elijah to catch me up.

Unknown said...

WOW what a cool husband you have. Sounds very relaxing. Hope everyone gets to feeling better real soon. Lots of hugs Karen

Kathy said...

I know that you're busy with family...but, let Grammie hold Elijah while you post pics of our baby!

It's been too many days!!!

I hope he's behaving and the roid beast is ALL GONE!

love to you guys,