Thursday, December 3, 2009

Pregnancy so far

Minus the pregnancy fog I am in this week, everything has been going really well. We had a tiny scare early on, but it was short-lived and we didn't find ourselves worrying too much. I think we used up our worry reserves during my pregnancy with Elijah because we have been pretty relaxed about everything this time around.

My doctor suggested I do a nuchal translucency screen, so I did. I truly didn't care about the outcome, but we got great results back. I thought I would feel so much differently than I do. I thought I would be sick with worry about having another baby with medical issues, but I'm not. Dan and I want whatever baby God decides to give to us, healthy or unhealthy. I feel really peaceful about the whole experience this time around. I have complete faith that we will be getting the baby that is meant for us, no matter who he or she is.

I have only had a few undesirable pregnancy symptoms. I had some pretty yucky nausea early on, but it didn't last long. I've been tired and have recently started experiencing insomnia, which happened when I was pregnant with Elijah, too. I just don't sleep when I'm pregnant. And when I don't sleep, I do not feel like a good wife, a good mom, a good employee, a good anything. I need my sleep. So, everything has seemed a little bit more challenging this week.

Even taking Elijah to PT/speech therapy last night was beyond overwhelming for me. It was a really challenging session, but I'd like to think that I wouldn't have gotten as upset as I did had I been somewhat rested. It is difficult to know how to discipline your child at home when no one is looking. It is even more difficult to know how to discipline your child in public, when two other people are trying to assist with the discipline, and when you can hardly keep your eyelids open.

We really have not had to deal with a whole lot of "naughtiness" from Elijah, so when he does display naughty behavior it always throws us for a loop. Last night's session was awful. It made me confused and angry and I wanted to crawl into my bed and cry after we got home. I pray that I handled it even semi-appropriately and I pray that Elijah understood that his behavior was NOT OK and I pray that I can get some sleep soon so I can have a clear head and feel good about my parenting decisions.

Elijah's cough is getting much better and only ended up disturbing a few hours of his sleep one night last weekend. So far, his sicknesses this winter have been a Godsend! I don't even know if I would call them "sicknesses." Thank you, GOD, for this reprieve. Thank you thank you thank you!

We have some great news about some evaluations that were done on Elijah recently, but I'll save that for another time. It's time to go to bed!


mina said...

I had the nuchal translucency too, but decided against an amnio. It is really reassuring when you get good results. Praying for the pregnancy to progress in as healthy a manner as could be!

cindy said...

Is the nuchal translucency the same as the level II where they measure the folds of the neck?? I had that done, too, and the numbers also came back great so I know what a relief it is!

I'm so glad you're more relaxed this time around. You guys are gonna be wonderful "parents of two"!


my life: said...

Oh my goodness...I feel like I need to come take care of you! *maybe it's because you look so tiny in the photo of you and E in the hospital this last time!* ;0)

I'm sure you did everything "right" that you could in that situation. Parenting is tough enough in private, let alone in public...let alone in THERAPY. *where you have lots of helpers*
Hang in there momma...I'm with you on the sleep issue...must have it to function. Praying for good rest...when it comes.

jencooper said... are the opposite of me. When I was pregnant, I couldn't keep my eyes open!! I slept all the time.

Hang in there. I know what you mean about disciplining in public. It is uncomfortable.

I hope that you were able to get a great nights sleep!!

Ehlan said...

I hope you are able to get some good sleep soon! Glad to hear good results on the test.

I'm sure you handled Elijah's naughtiness just great; it is such a challenge!

Unknown said...

I am glad the test results came back good and I pray for you guys to have a healthy baby. I know it was very hard for us to have three unheathly babies Logan being the worst. But God always looks out for us and does not give us what we can not handle :)

Love you guys Have a good weekend.

Kathy said...

Elijah....being naughty?? what!?!?

I started popping Isaac on the bum when he goes out the doggy door when I tell him NO...and he just looks at me and starts crying and rubs him bum for the longest time (and YOU know that I'm just patting it..and he has a diaper on). I'm really torn about how to discipline Isaac too...he can't communicate back with me and I don't know what he cognitively understands. You're such an awesome mom...I"m sure you handled his naughty ways just perfect!

I hope that you get some GOOD rest this weekend and your little angel returns!


Unknown said...

I'm so glad the test came back good! We just had ours on Tuesday so are waiting for the results. We too know God is going to give us the baby we are suppose to have. So when is your due date? We must only be a week apart.