Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Moga Smile

Dan and I are reading a book about pediatric heart surgeons and guess who is in the book?? Elijah's very own surgeon, Dr. Moga! We already knew he was smart and nice, but this book confirms what an amazing surgeon he is and what a kind, compassionate person he is on top of that. In the book, the author refers to The Moga Smile, and if you've ever met Dr. Moga you know exactly what that means. I guess we've got Moga on the brain since we'll be seeing him in LESS THAN THREE WEEKS. AAGHGHGghhhh, that is way too soon.


Samantha said...

CUTE! Not as cute as our Dr. Mendeloff though ;)

Stop reading that book! I told you not to start it until AFTER surgery! It better not be the one we talked about.

I know how you have Moga on the brain. I will now keep a picture of him in my brain too :)

Have a terrific day!

Love ya!

TimnKatienElinSam said...

Your surgeon looks like George O'Malley (spelling?) from Grey's Anatomy!!

We are thinking about you a lot this week. Our move is being delayed while some insurance things get worked out. We should be there early next week.

We will keep up the prayers and recruit everyone we know!!

the Yoders

The Portas said...

Yes, it is THAT book, Samantha. It's not so bad. It hasn't bothered me at all, actually.

I don't see the George O'Malley resemblance. I actually have always said that Dr. Moga looks like the cartoon head that is on the Butt Paste label. :) Nice, I'm sure he'd love that.

Thanks for the praying, Katie and boys! We are looking forward to you being Minnesotans very soon.

Anonymous said...

So which book is it? I have read 3 amazing books, and I am wondering if it is one I have read or if there is anoter good read out there... I know it isn't two of them, but the third I am wondering. Hmmm... I might have to go track down my book and settle my curiosity until I hear from you.

The Portas said...

Walk on Water
by Michael Ruhlman

What are the other two that you've read?

Wendy said...

Hey Megan!

I just came by to check on your little cutie-pie! My mom left today, so I've finally got some time to check on all of my heart babies!!

I will be keeping Elijah in my prayers as his surgery date sounds like maybe he and Emma will be in around the same time, huh?! (That's if we can keep Miss Emma HEALTHY!!) :)

I'm glad he did so well with his cath procedure. I loved seeing all of his pictures that you posted. He is such a handsome little man!

Thanks so much for your encouraging notes on Emma's site. They really have lifted my helps having moms who know tell me exactly what I need to hear!!!

Take care, and know that I'm thinking of you as you prepare for this, too.

Lots of Heart Hugs,

Wendy (& Emma, too!) ~ 2-years-old, 6q25.3-qter deletion, TOF (2nd OHS re-re-rescheduled for 4/11/08)

Wanna_B_slimmer said...

Always good when the drs are good eye candy...;o)
When my son was in neonatal for 9 weeks one of the pediatricians was such an absolute hotty... the nurses used to go weak at the knees.. and he had the most adorable smile...
*sigh* should be more guys around like that....

Samantha said...

OH MEGAN!!!!!! You were NOT suppose to read that one!!! I am going to be forced to fly up there and take it from are a silly girl! It is an awesome book though.

GoofyJ...I have read at least one other that you recommended awhile back...King of Hearts. Also, I saw the movie...Something the Lord Made...all of them make me cry! careful reading it...if you start to get upset by it, please, please, please put it down until after surgery. Micah did not even have another surgery coming up and it sent me over the edge.

Okay...I will stop being your mom now and go about my own business...that book is just a hard read...but EXCELLENT and it does draw you in...I think I finished it in 2 days...and I do not ever have time to read :)

Love ya!

jencooper said...

He's cute....but our Dr. M is McDreamy!! Hope that you are having a great week.


Dina said...

I read that book in the hospital after Jillian's Glen surgery. It is a great book and it prompted a long conversation between Jilly's surgeon and myself.

Unfortunately we didn't have any cute, mcdreamy, or hot surgeons/doctors/nurses. Maybe that was a good thing, if we did Jilly might have wanted to stay in the hospital longer:)


Tiffers said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tiffers said...

OOPs, sorry I had to delete...I had typos!

I am sending prayers for Elijah for his upcoming surgery. Now, is the book, Walk on Water? If so, I enjoyed that book. I actually bought it because it talked about Dr. Moga. It is nice to read such wonderful things about him. And I disagree, I don't think he looks like George from Greys Anatomy. Dr. Frank Moga is way cuter than George. Tell him Harrison Hartgraves says hello. I am sure he will remember him, right! I mean he only performs surgery on 3 or more children a week.

Good Luck with everything.

Unknown said...

Your surgeon looks so young and handsome. I haven't read any heart books yet, but will now!

The surgery is only 3 weeks away?!?! Sending more prayers your way...


Anonymous said...

I wondered if it was 'Walk on Water" - does he really swear as much as they make him out to in the book? That was the only part that drove me nuts - I couldn't stand the language. Finally I took a black marker and blanked out all the nasty words. :-)

The other two books are:

"King of Hearts" a fascinating biography by G. Wayne Miller about C. Walton Lillehei - one of the men who pioneered open heart surgery.

"Partners of the Heart" an autobiography by Vivien Thomas - it is what the movie, "Something the Lord Made" is based off of. It is a bit harder to read as it is VERY technical - so there is a lot of jargon to wade through, but fascinating just the same. Remember too that Vivien Thomas was not a writer but a doctor, so don't expect a smooth literary read. But it is well worth the effort. The Movie is incredible as well.

Like Samantha I'll give caution as to reading it before surgery. I read it last year and still had a hard time, but I suppose it didn't help that the first case in the book was a TGA case scarily similar to ours.

I'd recommend waiting to read or see any of the above until AFTER surgery though. :-)

Samanthat - wasn't King of Hearts excellent? I found it amazing all he did, though sad at the end how he kinda wrecked his life.

Ann(ie) said...

That is a heart surgeon??? What a young, handsome Dr!

heeeeeeeeheeeee.....the carton head on the butt paste label....haaaaaaaa!! I kinda see it.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I read Walk on Water right before Gabe's last surgery too. The first few pages almost killed me - it started right with Gabe's first surgery going all wrong. Once I got through it though, I couldn't put it down. We would watch Moga round in the PICU and think "SuperStar!". When we talked to Dr. G. about it, he said the entire cardiac team has been riding Moga about it since he got there :).

I always thought Dr. G. was the cutest though. I'll never forgive him for rounding at 7am when Gabe was in the stepdown unit and I was sleeping in my jammies on the couch. Quite the pretty picture...

Bingo Games said...

Tell to me, please - where I can find more information on this question?