Elijah continues to tease me with his almost-crawling...Is that face not the CUTEST?
Remember, the day he crawls, we are having a huge party! And when he walks, we're having an even huger party!! I'll be such a proud mommy when both happen.
Elijah is doing much better today. He spent half the day at daycare with Carrie and he didn't get a fever all day. He was almost back to his normal self. Probably more like 90% Elijah. Give him another couple of days and I think he'll be 100% Elijah.
I've been worrying a lot lately about his (lack of) progress in some important areas. I'm trying not to focus on those things and remember that my baby boy is ALIVE and slowly progressing. Being the mama, though, it's hard not to worry. I love him and I want the very best for him.
Thanks for checking in! We have a fun weekend ahead. I may even be able to skydive..woohoooo!!
He is SO cute...and yes, such a tease. Don't you just want to push that little bum forward and get him going in the right direction.
Glad to see that he's doing awesome...
munch on those cheeks for me!!!
What a handsome man! That smile is irresistable, too! His crawling is probably going to be like Vaeh's eating... all of a sudden he'll just do it like he's done it all his life.
Give him big squeezes from us!
Ohhh Fingers crossed you get to skydive!!!
Oh he just gets more and more handsome....
hmmm....skydiving and fun in the same thought....CRAZINESS!! I'm so glad it's a possibility though....since you do love it.
as far as development....it's the biggest test for moms...each bit is SUCH a process and we are SO impatient...your so normal though, we all struggle with it!
I'm so glad he's feeling more like himself...I love that pic of him...he looks like he feels grown up!
Darn right you'll make a skydive, hopefully with this skydiving momma! Can hardly wait for the wind in my face again.
Adorable picture!
That picture is just darling! I love that shirt and that face...ah, precious!
Focus on all the good things...I know it is hard to not think about what he "should" be doing, but remember, he has spent the first year of his life simply trying to survive and now he is able to enjoy himself and truly thrive. Nothing happens overnight...it took Noah many days and nights to build his Ark...in the big picture, not crawling/walking is minimal...once he starts, you will be SO busy, you will wish for the days that he could not run away from you :)
Many hugs and kisses to you all!!!!
Oh my goodness....I am about to head up north to love on that boy! Could he be any more darling??
Hang in there - I am struggling with Grace not growing. It seems like we are always going to worry about something. I don't think that it is ever going to be any easier.
Saying lots of prayers for peace!
Oh My! That grin on his face says "I can do it Mommy, but I'm not because you want me too!".
I agree with Ehlan... simply an adorable pic!! The most phenomenal moms are those who worry!! Enjoy every ounce of the weekend ahead of you!!
Oh yes I think he crawls all over when you are not looking ;)
You can tell he's almost there...and then watch out Mama! He'll be into everything!
I think it comes in waves to worry about their progress. What can we do? We are only Mommies. I seriously wish we all lived just a tinsy bit closer....
He is such a cutie pie. I think he's beginning to look more and more like you.
That's a hard position to be in, and all that work (with weight bearing and all)has really paid off. Before you know it, he'll get his coordination down, and zoom across your living room.
I totally understand that you worry because you want the very best for him. And, rightfully so. It's important to be appreciative of every day that you have with Elijah. At the same time, though, you want him to have every opportunity available to him in the days that he has.
With the therapy sessions and you working with him, though, he'll catch up all on his own time.
Have a wonderful weekend!
What an adorable picture. Don't stress too much-he'll ge there in his own time.
Have a great weekend!
Sheesh! How cute is that boy! Try not to dwell on the things he isn't doing right now. He's had a slow start but is going to catch right up! Just look through your journal entries over the last year and see how far that boy has come!
Oh, before I forget...the truck shirt is actually pajamas by Carter's with the most adorable blue pants w/trucks all over them. I got them last year at Kohl's and wanted to find more but can't find them anywhere...even online! :(
Have a wonderful weekend and be careful jumping out of those airplanes crazy lady!!
Love ya!!
He is so cute! Yep, he looks ready to go. I have been so busy with my new teaching job that I haven't visited your blog in over a week. I am so sad to read about baby Johnny. Here I am frustrated with Harrison's development and this is going on. My frustrations are real; although, reading this makes me stop and don't sweat the small stuff. We are blessed!
He looks just like you Megan! That smile and that face - they are so precious. . . What a handsome man. Crawling will be great, another milestone, BUT when he does life will change - ha! Life will change!
I'm all for a party!!! And even more for TWO parties!! GO Elijah GO! But, I'll tell you one thing....you should be ONE proud mama b/c your boy is a rockstar. He kicks some surgery butt. What's walking? walkin schmalkin. ;) Be careful jumping outta that perfectly good plane, love. xo.
Elijah is such a cutie and it looks like he'll be crawling before you know it. Oh, that will be a special day!
My son Joshua was born with TGA in Aug 2007 and was quite behind in terms of gross motor movement. PT has done wonders and he started crawling a little over a month ago, but there was several weeks where he too teased me. He would come soooo close to crawling, but then back out at the last moment. Ahhh, what they put us through - but it made that moment when he finally put it all together that much sweeter.
Elijah's moment will be here soon. I look forward to hearing about it!
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