After he woke up, he was a crabby man. He cried for quite a while but we knew he wasn't in pain. He just wanted those people in blue shirts to leave the room. Once they did, we set up the laptop with Veggie Tales and he was in heaven. Veggie Tales pulls through again!
Despite that drama and stress, Elijah did an amazing job, and we are home, and all in one piece. Thank you, GOD!! Elijah is really sore and really really swollen and bruised, but that will heal. He is still gunky and coughing and congested. When I put him down to sleep in his crib he refused to let go of my neck. Stupid hospital, scarring my sweet boy. I'm pretty certain he will be rolling around on his very sore spots through the night, so it might be a sleepless one. Dan and I got little to no sleep last night, so I'm sure we'll be even worse off tomorrow. Oh well, that's the price we pay for making sure our precious little boy is well cared for. It's so worth it. I'd do it over and over again every single day if I had to. That kid amazes me. His strength, his tolerance of...everything, his endless happiness, his resiliency, it all amazes me.
Ok, so we were told after his last heart surgery not to EVER expect high 90s sats. They thought he'd settle right around 90-95% because he still has a tiny residual hole between his atriums that is mixing a tiny bit of blood. Well...look at the monitor! 100%! It was at 97-100% all day. This makes me so happy! I think a tear rolled down my cheek when I looked up and saw 100%.
We are going to chill for a bit and then head to bed. We're treating ourselves to Chinese food tonight. Yummmmm.
Please pray for no infections, and a continued good recovery for this sweet little boy of ours. Oh, and good rest!! Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers today.
p.s. Despite my harsh words and feelings toward Surgeon, I AM grateful for the excellent work he did on our son. I just find myself wondering why everyone can't have wonderful knowledge AND bedside manner, like the rest of our doctors do. Oh well, what can we do.
Hooray you guys got to come home!!! Glad the procedure went well and that you didn't have to spend the night in the hospital. Hope Eli has a speedy post-surgery recovery.
The RA
Thanks for the update, SO glad you guys are home. I'll be hoping and praying that your little chunk recovers quickly and that the clingy, sleepless, anxious thing is just a blip. And, 100%? Can I just say HOORAY?!? That's great, gives me hope.
So glad you guys are home and Elijah can relax & recover in his own bed! And YOU guys get to sleep in your bed, too! The cold floor didn't sound very appealing! Way to go, Mr. Elijah!!
Love ya,
Yay for home! So sorry that your departure was so traumatic, but it must feel great to be out of there I hope Elijah continues to recover at home, with NO complications. And that 100% sat is amazing, no wonder you captured it for posterity!
I am so happy you are home...even if you get minimal sleep, it is better than the hospital! Your Elijah is a special, special boy...100%, he will show them all!!! the Chinese restaurant, House of Wings still around? That is where we got our Chinese fix weekly when I lived there...don't really know why I am remembering that, but they had the BEST fried chicken wings in the universe! Anyway, enjoy your dinner and try to get some sleep tonight!
Much love,
I am so very, very glad you were set free!!!! I am also (selfishly) glad for the pic of him tonight...he brought a much needed smile to my face....I can't completely put my finger on it but...I love your baby!
GLAD you made it home!!! He's such a lump of lovin'...I swear..that little guy of yours could not be any cuter. I wish I could munch on those fat little cheeks!
I hope you guys get sleep tonight...
thanks for updating us!
Yay for being home!! I'm sure even if its not the best night's sleep, it'll be better because you're home!
Give that little man some big hugs & kisses from us! What a strong man to have a smile on his face!
Yeah for home...just another sign of what a champ that little guy is! It's obvious he's aware of what's going on in the yeah for coming home...even if it was a frustrating time.
Praying for some the midst of it all tonight.
Ok, seriously that is not the face of someone who's just had surgery! He is such a trooper!
So glad that you are home and get to sleep in your own beds. Hope you are able to get lots of rest!
wow. Damn right those sleepness night are worth it for peace of mind but still I hope you guys are doing okay!! It's a lot to process with sleep deprivation. You guys just rule. Have I mentioned that lately? You're always so positive in your posts and with what's going on in your lives and here's me across the country bitching freely about dumb stuff. Love you. So glad all is okay!!!!!
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