He looks like such a big boy to me lately. His baby qualities are quickly fading.
Grabbing his feet, a favorite thing to do lately. It's cute because he tries to say "foot." It comes out more like "Faaa!"
Dan got called in to work at the dropzone for a while this morning, but afterwards he headed up north to meet his friends for the rest of the day and evening. So Elijah and I got to spend a very fun day together. We went to the air show this morning with Grandma Kitty and he thought the planes were pretty cool. Then G'ma treated us to lunch at the Pancake House, where Elijah ate about 3 pounds of pancakes, bananas and eggs. After that was nap time and then the two of us went for a walk to the park, played with cars in the living room, read books, did some physical therapy exercises, ate dinner, and after all of that, he was exhausted. He just went peacefully to sleep, the little angel. I just love days like today. I try to absorb every moment and enjoy my little boy as much as possible. During the week when I'm sitting at my desk, sad and missing him, these are the times I think about that help me feel better.
Brrrmmmm brrrrrrmmmm...a real life Jeep to sit in! I think it was a little bit intimidating. He sat there for about 30 seconds and then gave me a very serious look and made the sign for ALL DONE.
So we had a couple of exciting firsts today! First air show, first bus ride, and first time drinking from a straw! I couldn't believe it. At lunch, Dan's mom said, "Here Elijah, drink from the straw!" and put a glass of water with a straw in front of him. I said, "We're still learning, he doesn't quite have that down yet." I looked over, and....Elijah was gulping down water from the straw! I cheered him on like crazy. He was totally fascinated with the straw drinking, so every two seconds he would point at the cup with the straw in it and I'd give him another sip.
I love how I (accidentally) caught the sun shining on the planes in this pic
How exciting, sitting in a helicopter! Elijah is the co-pilot. Hop in, Mommy. I'll take you for a ride so you can jump out with your paracute on (something I've always wanted to do...someday!)
Ok, it looks like the spot is good. Here, I'll open the door and you get ready to jump!
Tonight I plan on sitting my butt in front of the tv for a bit and going to bed early. Tomorrow we have some more fun stuff planned once Dan gets home, but you'll have to check back to find out what it is! It will be another first for Elijah! Have a good, safe weekend. Thanks for keeping up on us, we really appreciate all of you.
Oh Megan...you sure did deserve such a wonderful day!!! I am so glad that you had so much fun with your little "big" man!!! I hope you have just as wonderful time tomorrow!!!
Much love,
What a handsome little man. He is getting so big. I am so happy that you were able to get in some quality time today. I am not looking forward to going back to school and being away from my kiddos. I can't wait to see what you have planned for tomorrow!
to be continued huh???
Thanks for posting such cutie pie pics (like that's really hard to do!)and telling us all about Mr. E. He'll be typing his posts soon...
hugs to you both...sleep good tonight!
So glad you guys had such a great day and can't wait to see what's in store for tomorrow! You're right...Elijah is looking more like a little boy now instead of a baby! I was sad when that happened, but then these little boys get to be so much fun and it's all ok again! Love the new pics!
Love ya,
What a fun day...full of all things that little boys love!!! The photo of him in the Jeep...actually makes him look a little....long...I'm sure it's the angle!
Can't wait to see what today holds!
He is such a cutie! I just can't get enough of him! Sounds like you had a wonderful day together!
Elijah looks like he's ready to take you & Dan up! May be the beginnings of a career here?!?
Smoochy-moochy on those cheeks for me! Can't wait til the next update... more pics to marvel at (btw - the pic of the sun on the plane was great... are you professional?!)
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